TBEmptyDataSet copied to clipboard
An extension of UITableView/UICollectionView's super class, it will display a placeholder emptyDataSet when the data of tableView/collectionView is empty.
- Updating project for SPM Compatibility - Minimum build target moved from 8.0 to 9.0 - Updating example project to reference swift project (will need another update after merge &...
*** Fetching TBEmptyDataSet *** Checking out TBEmptyDataSet at "3.0.2" *** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/carthage-xcodebuild.AtXJjt.log *** Building scheme "TBEmptyDataSet" in TBEmptyDataSet.xcworkspace Build Failed Task failed with exit code...
Is this repo being maintained? Add Swift Package Manager, Reply to this issue, Update xcodeproj for newer xcode versions.
I call the delegates Then set title and Description titleForEmptyDataSet = "No Job" descripitonForEmptyDataSet = "Tap + to create a new job" This works perfectly as it should. However when...
When insertRowsAtIndexPaths is called, the emptyDataSetShouldDisplay(... doesn't trigger, so cells are added to the table and the empty data set image remains. Workaround: ``` self.beginUpdates() self.insertRows(at: indexPaths, with: .right) self.endUpdates()...
Hi,guy I find a problem.When I add a button on the custom uitableviewcell, the touch up inside event can not be called. After removing the TBEmptyDataSet from the tableview, the...
If you set datasource at the beginning when your view loads it starts view with empty state and then loads data which is not quite right. To avoid this I...
Hey there, there seems to be an issue when the navigation bar `prefersLargeTitles` property is set to true. Do you perhaps know why this is happening? I've attached an image....
hi! i find a problem the memory leak,the WeakObjectContainer couldnot Call the function deinit but i donot understand the reason.