RE-VERB copied to clipboard
speaker diarization system using an LSTM
About the project
RE: VERB is speaker diarization system, it allows the user to send/record audio of a conversation and receive timestamps of who spoke when
RE:VERB is our final project in Magshimim, and consists of a web client and a server.
The client can record audio and show the the timestamp results graphically
The server can be used with many other clients with the simple REST API it has.
Built With
- Vue.js - The front end framework used
- Wavesurfer.js - A library for waveform visualization
Pytorch - library for deep learning with python that has great support for GPUs with CUDA
Express.js - Node.js web server framework
Getting Started
The project contains the server and the web client(a CLI client also exists for debug purposes).
the server is located at ./server
and the web client is located at ./client/website
The model alongside the scripts for downloading, training and the weights from our training is located at ./server/speech_diarization/model
we used Docker to create a cross-platform environment to run the server on.
The server is made up of:
- a container for the web server
- a container for the diarization process
- a container for a redis database that will allow the others to communicate
docker compose will run and manage all 3 at once
Docker and docker-compose need to be installed in order to build and run the server, all the rest will be taken care of.
cd server
docker-compose up
This will run all 3 containers and install dependencies.
If you make a change in the server, use
docker-compose up --build
to rebuild.
sending a HTTP POST request with an audio file to the server at
(default port and url) will return a JSON file with the timestamps in milliseconds.{"0": [[40, 120], [3060, 3460], [3480, 3560]], "1": [[1260, 1660], [1680, 1960]]}
The client needs npm or yarn to be installed, more info about the client can be found here.
to install:
cd client/website
npm install
afterwards you can use
npm run serve
to run a development server
- Ofir Naccache - ofirnaccache
- Matan Yesharim - Tralfazz
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
The diarization algorithm is an implementation of this research, we also used their implementation of the spectral clustering
We took inspiration and some code from Harry volek's implementation of a different but similar problem - Speaker Verification
Future Plans
We had problems with training on the AMI corpus so we used the TIMIT corpus for the model provided.
We plan to train again on the VoxCeleb 1 and 2 datasets which contain a lot more data and hopefully improve feature extraction
We want to add integration with a speech-to-text service and transcribe the created segments