CUCMPosh copied to clipboard
A PowerShell module and scripts to facilitate AXL SOAP requests to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
CUCMPosh Module and Scripts
A PowerShell module and scripts to facilitate AXL SOAP requests to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Automate all the things. This PowerShell module is for interfacing with CUCM and was initially developed for automating an on-call schedule and then built from there. Our department has a DID assigned for on-call which rotates weekly whose cell it forwards to.
Getting Started
To get started with this module, you need to download a copy of the latest release and unzip the contents to a working directory, e.g. C:\Dev\CUCM\
. The repository contains scripts and the module. To use the module without specifying path, copy the CUCMPosh
subdirectory to your PowerShell Modules folder:
- User Only:
C:\Users\YourUserName\My Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
- Global:
A few of the scripts rely on third party PowerShell modules, you may need the following added to one of the Module directories (dependent on the scope you're running at).
- ActiveDirectory (Included with RSAT, Windows 7 or Windows 10)
- PSExcel (Github or PowerShell Gallery)
After installing into the modules directory, to use the included functions just Import-Module CUCMPosh
from a PowerShell instance. To use any of the scripts, copy the folder to a directory that makes sense or extract only what you need. Make sure to modify the settings to fit your environment - script variables should be at the top of every script unless specified.
Automated On-Call Scheduler - Uses
function against a schedule hosted on SharePoint to automatically update a specified line at a set interval.
Sample Commands
Basic Queries
Get basic/common phone information by name.
PS \> Get-Phone -Name SEP00EBD6543210 -Basic
name : SEP00EBD6543210
description : 4321 James Smith
model : Cisco 8851
class : Phone
protocol : SIP
ownerUserName : jsmith
mobilityUserIdName :
lines : {line, line, line}
speedDials : {speeddial, speeddial, speeddial, speeddial...}
cssName : National_css
locationName : MainOffice_loc
devicePool : MainOffice_dp
commonDeviceConfigName : StndKeysNoMOH_cp
commonPhoneConfigName : Standard Common Phone Profile
phoneTemplateName : SEP00EBD6543210-SIP-Individual Template
userLocale : English United States
networkLocale : United States
softkeyTemplateName : Standard
dndStatus : false
uuid : {03231B3F-9B7E-C31A-ECF1-A1B2C3D4E5F6}
loadInformation : sip88xx.12-1-1SR1-4
Check if DN exists by Pattern or Description.
PS \> Get-DN -DN 4321
uuid : {F4D81158-B1AC-C5C4-FF4B-A1B2C3D4E5F6}
pattern : 4321
description : Script Test
usage : Device
routePartitionName : routePartitionName
aarNeighborhoodName :
aarDestinationMask :
aarKeepCallHistory : true
aarVoiceMailEnabled : false
callPickupGroupName :
autoAnswer : Auto Answer Off
networkHoldMohAudioSourceId :
userHoldMohAudioSourceId :
alertingName : CUCM Script Test
asciiAlertingName : CUCM Script Test
presenceGroupName : presenceGroupName
shareLineAppearanceCssName :
voiceMailProfileName : voiceMailProfileName
patternPrecedence : Default
releaseClause : No Error
hrDuration :
hrInterval :
cfaCssPolicy : Use System Default
defaultActivatedDeviceName :
parkMonForwardNoRetrieveDn :
parkMonForwardNoRetrieveIntDn :
parkMonForwardNoRetrieveVmEnabled : false
parkMonForwardNoRetrieveIntVmEnabled : false
parkMonForwardNoRetrieveCssName :
parkMonForwardNoRetrieveIntCssName :
parkMonReversionTimer :
partyEntranceTone : Default
Get line association by DN/Pattern, Description, and/or Route Partition
PS \> Get-Line -DNorPattern 4321 -RoutePartition 0_Internal_pt
name description dn partition
---- ----------- -- ---------
SEP00EBD6543210 4321 James Smith 4321 0_Internal_pt
Setting Information
Forward all calls for DN to Voicemail.
PS \> Add-LineForward -Pattern 1234 -RoutePartition 0_Internal_pt -Voicemail
Stop forwarding all calls for DN to Voicemail.
PS \> Remove-LineForward -Pattern 1234 -RoutePartition 0_Internal_pt -Voicemail
Forward all calls for DN to cell phone.
PS \> Add-LineForward -Pattern 1234 -RoutePartition 0_Internal_pt -Destination 815085551234 -DestinationCSS National_css
Remove all ForwardAll settings for DN.
PS \> Remove-LineForward -Pattern 1234 -RoutePartition 0_Internal_pt
Advanced Queries
Get the phone information for each line returned from a Get-Line
by DN/Pattern, Description, and/or Route Partition result.
PS \> Get-Line -DNorPattern 4321 | %{ Get-Phone -Name $ -Basic }
name : SEP00EBD6543210
description : 4321 James Smith
model : Cisco 8851
class : Phone
protocol : SIP
ownerUserName : jsmith
mobilityUserIdName :
lines : {line, line, line}
speedDials : {speeddial, speeddial, speeddial, speeddial...}
cssName : National_css
locationName : MainOffice_loc
devicePool : MainOffice_dp
commonDeviceConfigName : StndKeysNoMOH_cp
commonPhoneConfigName : Standard Common Phone Profile
phoneTemplateName : SEP00EBD6543210-SIP-Individual Template
userLocale : English United States
networkLocale : United States
softkeyTemplateName : Standard
dndStatus : false
uuid : {03231B3F-9B7E-C31A-ECF1-A1B2C3D4E5F6}
loadInformation : sip88xx.12-1-1SR1-4
Get configured speed dials for a phone.
PS \> $ph = Get-Line -DNorPattern 4321 | %{ Get-Phone -Name $ -Basic }
PS \> $ph.speedDials
dirn label index
---- ----- -----
818665551234 ABC Company, Inc. 1
818009995555 XYZ Communications, LLC. 2
818668884321,,1,5555#,# Weekly MSP Check-in 3
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
To-Do List
- Better handling of returns from POSTs
- Read Queries and respective Sets
- Get-User
- Get-HuntPilot
- Get-HuntList
- Get-LineGroup
- Get-RoutePlanReport
- System Requests
- Sync-LDAP
Change Log
Changes between releases are noted in the release notes. For a complete list of changes, see the
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Thanks to @Tervis-Tumbler for inspiration and helping me understand CUCM SOAP requests.