Thanks, the issue will be fixed in the next version.
Can you please confirm if this works for you in v0.15-b9.
Thanks for the feedback. Since the APIs are quite new and some other APIs previously used were removed the implementation isn't quite polished. As long as the emotes show up...
There's a lot of things that depend on the order of the messages, so it would require a lot of careful work. Otherwise this would already be a thing.
Probably only in the `ChannelTextPane`, it's just that it requires much more work than changing a few lines (to make sure everything actually still works, with chat display being the...
I did some experimenting with AdoptOpenJDK 14.0.1 and building a windows bundle using `jpackage.exe`. It seems to run, although I haven't done extensive testing. Here's a few issues I noticed...
I have moved to JKeyMaster/JNA for global hotkeys, which hopefully works well for future versions. This also has the advantage that global hotkeys could also work on Linux/Mac and separate...
The emotes were "endangered" because they are not available in the new API and thus were only available until the old API was turned off. The emotes themselves are still...
This is possible now with the `/chain` command, for example: ``` Deny/TO=/chain /automod_deny $$(automod-msg-id) | /timeout $$1 600 ``` It won't automatically hide the button if it's not an AutoMod...
There already is something like this: I can't test these things though, since I don't have a Mac.