hangups copied to clipboard
Google Voice contacts show phone number instead of name
Many people (including myself) link their Google Voice numbers to their Google Hangouts, so they can text from Hangouts. The way the official clients work is, they check the numbers in your Contacts and let you know whose number it is in the list, so the hangouts API doesn't deliver that data.
Conversations Lexina Ero +1704574XXXX
< Lexina Ero (2) >
< +1704574XXXX >
< +1940395XXXX >
< +1 704-777-XXXX >
< +1 704-780-XXXX >
< +1704989XXXX >
< (704) 456-XXXX >
< +1 704-315-XXXX >
< (704) 995-XXXX >
< +1980216XXXX >
< +1 980-229-XXXX >
< +1704287XXXX >
< +1 704-242-XXXX >
< +1704576XXXX >
< +1 704-526-XXXX >
< (980) 322-XXXX >
< +1 347-683-XXXX >
< +1 704-774-XXXX >
< +1 980-228-XXXX >
< +1 704-222-XXXX >
< +1704858XXXX >
For reference, that's how the list looks for me now. As you can see, the numbers can have multiple different formats depending on how they're entered, so, depending on how Google Contacts handles it, some conversion may be necessary.
I would recommend implementing it as a check on startup, and perhaps adding a keybind to refresh them, if you had added someone to your contacts while the app was open (maybe allow you to add them from within the app as well?)
How could I help with this bug? Are there network logs or something I could grab for you? Also it seems like somewhere in the fixes for #4, the contact's phone numbers are no longer displayed and instead it just shows "Unknown" for every Google Voice contact. I don't know which bug to post that on here though.
A log of the requests used to retrieve the contacts would be useful.
Am I doing something wrong in that I just get them all as "Unknown"?
@uriel1998 No. That's an issue currently
@AshenDrops Herm. I'm just pulling from github. Rats. I may have to completely pull it out and reinstall it just to make sure I didn't jack something up.
@uriel1998 Ah, sorry. What I meant is that it's currently an unfixed issue where all Google Voice chats show up as "Unknown". It's present in the latest version
Oh, okay. I was just looking at the screengrab earlier where it presented phone numbers, which, while not idea, would have been at least okay....
On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 6:58 PM, Ashen [email protected] wrote:
@uriel1998 https://github.com/uriel1998 Ah, sorry. What I meant is that it's currently an unfixed issue where all Google Voice chats show up as "Unknown"
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/tdryer/hangups/issues/52#issuecomment-159108254.
Steven Saus GPG key ID: 0xDD2F731F http://stevesaus.com http://alliterationink.com http://ideatrash.net Allow 48 hours for a reply
Your EULA doesn't apply: http://bit.ly/noeula
Yeah. It was an error introduced at some point or another
Anyone know what version of hangups made the phone numbers disappear? It might be easy to bring them back, but I'm not sure how it was working in the first place.
I think it was one of the commits around #4 but I may be wrong. My guess is that the gvoice contacts have a different structure than the normal ones so they're be deserialized incorrectly causing an exception that results in the "Unknown" though that's a completely baseless assumption and I can't seem to find the __main__.py
that is referenced by the issue.
Would it be feasible/desirable to integrate with something like ppl, a commandline contacts manager?
On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Addison Amiri [email protected] wrote:
I think it was one of the commits around #4 https://github.com/tdryer/hangups/issues/4 but I may be wrong. My guess is that the gvoice contacts have a different structure than the normal ones so they're be deserialized incorrectly causing an exception that results in the "Unknown" though that's a completely baseless assumption and I can't seem to find the main.py that is referenced by the issue.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/tdryer/hangups/issues/52#issuecomment-160330013.
Steven Saus GPG key ID: 0xDD2F731F http://stevesaus.com http://alliterationink.com http://ideatrash.net Allow 48 hours for a reply
Your EULA doesn't apply: http://bit.ly/noeula
Interesting idea, I haven't heard of ppl before. We'd have to fix this issue first thought, otherwise there would be nothing to correlate the contacts between hangups and ppl.
Is there a way to allow users to edit the name of the conversation client side so that we can at least work around the 'Unknown' issue? This would also be a nice feature when users would like to add nicknames.
There's no support for custom client side names, but it would be possible to implement.
@bolens1112 One thing you can do is add a "name" to the conversation. Go into the conversation and press Ctrl+N, then change the conversation name using the menu provided.
It won't change the actual person's name within the conversation, but it will change the tab name and the name in the list.
Note that if you do this on normal hangouts conversations the name will be set for the chat as a whole and seen by everyone.
@baskervald That sounds good, but does that mean that if I name a conversation 'wife' it will show as 'wife' for the person on the other end as well?
That sounds good, but does that mean that if I name a conversation 'wife' it will show as 'wife' for the person on the other end as well?
Yes, it changes the conversation name on the server-side.
For anyone having issues with Google Voice contacts, #200 is a possible fix.
@bolens1112 It will show as "wife" for Google Hangouts contacts, but not for Google Voice contacts
I'd like to update this with the fact that Google does indeed use a private People v2 API to lookup metadata matching the phone number to a name -- typically only if they exist in your contacts, but it seems like it also has names for numbers that don't as well.
Here's a sample response bit:
"phone": [
"metadata": {
"writeable": true,
"container": "CONTACT",
"containerType": "CONTACT",
"containerId": "8079549805121237877",
"encodedContainerId": "702053bd8f53f375",
"primary": true,
"containerPrimary": true
"value": "<phone number>",
"type": "mobile",
"formattedType": "Mobile",
"canonicalizedForm": "<phone number>",
"uri": "tel:<phone number>",
"extendedData": {
"structuredPhone": {
"phoneNumber": {
"e164": "<phone number>",
"i18nData": {
"nationalNumber": "<phone number>",
"internationalNumber": "<phone number>",
"countryCode": 1,
"regionCode": "US",
"isValid": true,
"validationResult": "IS_POSSIBLE"
"type": "mobile"
In addition, the lookup
API is the only way to transform a phone number into a GAIA ID which is needed to start a new SMS conversation.
Has any improvement been made on this issue? #200 has not made any changes for me. Some conversations through voice have names, and some don't. This is what it looks like for me:
< 19********* [Google Voice] >
< Ethan [Hangouts] >
< Esec [Hangouts] >
< +17********* [Google Voice] >
< +17********* [Google Voice] >
< Jason [Google Voice] >
< Lauren [Google Voice] >
< (7**) ***-**** [Google Voice] >
< Sophia [Google voice >
< 7********* [Google voice] >
< Jacob [Google voice]
I'd like to update this with the fact that Google does indeed use a private People v2 API to lookup metadata matching the phone number to a name -- typically only if they exist in your contacts, but it seems like it also has names for numbers that don't as well.
@avaidyam, do you have any more details on the API endpoint used?
@dlenski Here's my implementation.