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Add parachute support
Hi! Please consider adding parachute support. Thanks!
Sure, let me take a look at it today, I might reach out if I have parachute specific questions since I haven't used it before
@TatriX Done! Try it out and let me know how it goes. I've updated the README with Parachute specific information. The only feature that doesn't work would be jumping to test definition. That would need a patch to Parachute, and even then would only work on Lispworks.
Things to look out for: In translating the results model from parachute to fiveam, I might've made some assumptions about the hierarchy of tests. Watch out for slite showing all green but parachute saying a test is failing. In this case, let me know what the hierarchy of the tests look like.
When I'm trying to load slite.el
I'm getting an error:
add-hook: Symbol’s function definition is void: case
from this code I think:
(add-hook (case (slite--slime-impl)
I think this is due cl
lib being deprecated since Emacs 27 and probably it is remove in Emacs 28.
Most likely you want to (require 'cl-lib)
and use (cl-case ...)
as well as add cl-
prefix to other functions as needed.
@TatriX Fixed:
Nice! Now I do
(asdf:load-system :slite/parachute)
;; C-c v
(parachute:test :foo)
and getting:
Waiting for test results...
[sly] `sly-eval-async' errored: (void-function every)
Oops, git pull and try one more time:
name can be a symbol or a string:
(define-test "A more descriptive name, perhaps")
It seems this insn't handled right now:
The value
"registered user should be able create an invite"
is not of type
[Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
0: [*ABORT] Return to SLY's top level.
1: [ABORT] abort thread (#<THREAD "slynk-worker" RUNNING {10058211C3}>)
0: ((:METHOD SLITE::GET-TEST-CASE-DETAILS (T)) #<TEST SERVER-TESTS::registered user should be able create an invite>) [fast-method]
1: ((:METHOD SLITE::PROCESS-RESULTS (T)) #<PLAIN 14, FAILED results>) [fast-method]
3: (EVAL (SLITE::PROCESS-RESULTS (EVAL (READ-FROM-STRING "(parachute:test 'server-tests)"))))
@TatriX ah, let me think through this one
(keeping the issue opened for now)
@TatriX Okay done, try this one more time:
^ the above change will make the test results load, but rerunning in debugger appears to have broken with that change, will fix that in a second
Re-run in debugger fixed too
Now I'm getting:
[sly] `sly-eval-async' errored: (no-catch --cl-block-nil-- Failed: "(TRUE (SIGNIN (CURRENT-USER)))")
@TatriX at which point do you get this error, just when running the tests? Or was that when rerunning in the debugger?
Also, what was the CL expression you passed to M-x slite-run
I guess it will be easier to debug on my side. I used C-c V
with (parachute:test :my-package)
@TatriX yeah, your debugging would be helpful in this situation :) In particular, here's what I'm looking for, if you run (parachute:test :my-package)
in a repl, does it signal an error or does it just show you the failures? Is there some global parachute default that you've set that might cause failures to become conditions? (for instance, fiveam has fiveam:on-failure set to :signal or something like that, couldn't find anything obvious for parachute except for the specific report class)
The second issue is, even if that condition did get signalled, it should've just opened up a SLY debugger. Do you have any configuration that might prevent SLY from opening a debugger? For instance, if I run M-x slite-run (parachute:test 'foobar :report 'parachute:interactive)
with a failing test, it still opens a debugger for me.