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Parse Cisco-like configuration files into a JSON-formattable structure using YAML-defined dissectors
This Python module parses a block style document into a dict using dissectors. The main goal is to parse Cisco configuration files, but any vendor is supported as long as the configuration format is block style. The dissector uses indentation or end-of-block markers to determine the hierarchical level of each line.
A dissector is a YAML formatted nested list of dicts with any of these keys:
Key | Description |
match | A regular expression to match at the beginning of a line. The first unnamed capture group can be used as key or as value. Named capture groups can be used to match more than one group. |
search | Scan through a line to find a match. |
child | A nested dissector for a child block. The first unnamed capture group is used as key and the parsed child block as value. The named groups become key values of the child block. |
name | Specifies the key name. If omitted, the first capture group or whole match is used as a key. Not to be used if only named groups are used. |
value | Specifies the value. Not to be used if only named groups are used. |
parent | Forces insertion of a parent dict using specified key. |
grouping | Consider all named groups as a single branch. Not valid when 'child', 'name' or 'value' are used. |
key | Index of unnamed group as root of tree of unnamed groups. Named capture groups are added as leaves. 'action' is applied to the root. 'actionall' is applied to other groups. 'child', 'name', 'value' and 'grouping' are ignored. |
action | Perform specified action on first capture group. Not valid when 'child' is used. |
actionall | Perform specified action on all named capture groups. |
Supported actions are:
Value | Description |
expand | Convert number ranges with hyphens and commas into list of numbers |
expand_f | Convert Foundry-style port ranges into list of ports |
expand_h | Convert Huawei-style port ranges into list of ports |
split | Split string into list of words |
list | Convert string to list unconditionally |
cidr | Convert netmask to prefix length in IP address string |
cidr_l | Convert string to CIDR format and then to list unconditionally |
bool | Sets the value to False if the line starts with 'no' or else to True |
Supported groupings are:
Value | Description |
implicit | Create list of branches when key is duplicate. |
explicit | Create list of branches unconditionally. |
Existing values are not overwritten but will be extended as lists.
Default parameters allow parsing of most configuration files, these are examples of exceptions:
Dialect | Parameters |
NXOS | indent=2 |
VSP | indent=0, eob='exit' |
The dissector returns a Tree object which is a nested dict with a parser property that references the dissector used. A dissector can be created from a string or a file and can parse an iterable or a file. Multiple dissectors can be registered to the AutoDissector which uses hints to match a dissector to a file. A hint is a regular expression that is unique to the first 15 lines of a file.
Module contents
confparser.Dissector(stream, name=None)
Return a new Dissector object that takes a YAML formatted dissector to parse block style documents. An open file or string object is accepted. The dissector can be optionally named using the name parameter.
confparser.Dissector.from_file(filename, name=None)
Alternate constructor that loads a dissector from the specified file.
confparser.Dissector.parse(lines, indent=1, eob=None)
Return a new Tree object that contains the parsed document from iterable lines. The number of spaces for an indent is specified by the parameter indent. If a document doesn't use indentation, an end-of-block marker string can be specified.
confparser.Dissector.parse_str(string, indent=1, eob=None)
Return a new Tree object that contains the parsed string string.
confparser.Dissector.parse_file(filepath, indent=1, eob=None)
Return a new Tree object that contains the parsed file filepath contents.
Return a new AutoDissector object that handles automatic selection of parsers based on hints. Set raise_no_match to False to prevent AutoDissector.from_file from raising ValueError when no matching parser is found.
confparser.AutoDissector.register(dissector, hint, **kwarg)
Register Dissector object with hint regex and parser keyword arguments.
confparser.AutoDissector.register_map(dissector, function, hint, **kwarg)
Register Dissector object with hint regex and parser keyword arguments with function to apply to the parser iteratable, like the map() built-in function.
Return a new Tree object from matching parser for specified file filename. Raises ValueError when no matching parser is found.
Return a new Tree object from matching parser for specified string. Raises ValueError when no matching parser is found.
Subclass of dict. Return a new Tree object.
Update Tree with dict other and concatenate values in lists of existing keys.
Basic usage of the module:
import confparser
doc = '''
- match: interface (\S+)
parent: interface
- match: ip address (.*)
name: ipv4
action: cidr
- match: standby (\d+) ip (?P<ip>\S+)
parent: standby
- match: switchport trunk allowed vlan (\S+)
name: allowed_vlan
action: expand
cfg = '''
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10-12,15
interface Vlan10
ip address
standby 10 ip
"interface": {
"GigabitEthernet1/1/1": {
"allowed_vlan": [
"Vlan10": {
"ipv4": "",
"standby": {
"10": {
"ip": ""
Advanced usage
The dissector can also be easily loaded from a file and a configuration file can be parsed directly without opening a file:
import confparser
dissector = confparser.Dissector.from_file('ios.yaml')
The following example loads multiple dissectors from file and registers them to the AutoDissector with regex hints. All configuration files in the current directory are parsed using all available processor cores and the result is written to a JSON formatted file. Note that Python 3.3+ is required to use with instance methods.
import confparser
import multiprocessing
import glob
import json
if __name__ == '__main__':
auto = confparser.AutoDissector()
auto.register(confparser.Dissector.from_file('ios.yaml'), 'version \d+.\d+$')
auto.register(confparser.Dissector.from_file('nxos.yaml'), 'version \d+.\d+\(\d+\)', indent=2)
auto.register(confparser.Dissector.from_file('iosxr.yaml'), '!! IOS XR Configuration')
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
result =, glob.glob('*.cfg'), 1)
with open('output.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump({tree.source:tree for tree in result if tree}, f, indent=4)
The AutoDissector sets Tree.source to the filename of the parsed file and is used as key in the dictionary comprehention.
Make sure you have Python 2.7+ or 3.2+ installed on your system. Install ipaddress if you are using a 2.7 or 3.2 version. Install PyYAML as this module depends on it using PIP on Linux or macOS:
pip install pyyaml
or on Windows as follows:
python -m pip install pyyaml
or on Ubuntu as follows:
sudo apt-get install python-yaml
To start using this module and run the usage examples above, just copy the directory confparser and the files ios.yaml, nxos.yaml, iosxr.yaml and sample.cfg to your machine.