tdlight-telegram-bot-api copied to clipboard
The TDLight Telegram Bot API is an actively enhanced fork of the original Bot API, featuring experimental user support, proxies, unlimited files size, and more.
So the original Bot servers lets url uploads be handled by the actual telegram backend. This means the self hosted version of the API in your network doesn't solve the...
Userbots usually work by reacting to outgoing messages from other clients on the same account. This is currently not possible with this API. I suggest to add a command like...
It would be nice to work with calls using the bot api. Because streaming the data live would be quite complicated, I think it would be nice if you would...
First of all it does it differently from the bots, where the id of the bot is everything in front of the colon `:`. Additionally it exposes the phone number...
Add a very simple non-modifiable homepage on the bot api instance that shows the link of this repository, a small description on what is it, and a link to the...
Merged changes from 7.0 to 7.10 in a few merge steps. Had to add some new flags (see tdlight-api-openapi.yaml for changes) due to changes in the API as well. Lots...