Thomas Diesler

Results 52 issues of Thomas Diesler

``` [ERROR] Failures: [ERROR] PubNubIntegrationTest.testPubNubSubscriber:128 mock://result Received message count. Expected: but was: ```


I think we would like to continue to support camel context deployments through spring XML. This is a widely used method for defining a camel context. Folks might already have...


### Missing blockchain methods supported in 0.17.0 are ... * getblockheader "hash" ( verbose ) * getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats ) * getchaintips * getchaintxstats ( nblocks blockhash ) *...


### Description After 23h of syncing, Besu starts the world state healing process - I see an excessive mem usage of 26G and a very busy CPU. ``` CONTAINER ID...

A remote (curl) client may be able to access the authenticated JSON-RPC endpoint event though the client's host should not be allowed to do so. ``` docker run --detach \...

In 1.0.19 ... ``` client.get_current_order_count() ``` gives ... ``` if signed: # generate signature > kwargs['data']['timestamp'] = int(time.time() * 1000 + self.timestamp_offset) E KeyError: 'data' .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/binance/ KeyError ```

On MacOS (M2) ... ``` > minikube start --addons registry > kamel install --olm=false Camel K installed in namespace default > CAMEL_K_POD=$(kubectl get pods --selector='name=camel-k-operator' --output=jsonpath='{.items[*]}') > kubectl logs $CAMEL_K_POD...


### What happened? ``` $ kamel run hello.groovy Integration "hello" created $ kamel logs hello Integration 'hello' is at: Error ... Integration 'hello' is now running. Showing log ......


Also, please consider using/referencing a changelog from the github release. A cheap option would be to use github milestones, in that way the changelog would be done for you. A...

[BinanceAccountService:97]( ```java if(exchange.usingSandbox()){ ... } else { BinanceFutureAccountInformation futureAccountInformation = futuresAccount(); ... } ```