Tom de Geus

Results 225 comments of Tom de Geus

I think this is a great idea, which I do in my shadow package as well : . What do others think ? @JohanMabille @SylvainCorlay @wolfv

Makes sense @JohanMabille . Will be much easier to maintain and ship. So all for it!

Regarding the name ``, wouldn't the `.` cause problems e.g. in packaging?

Ah, it seems from other packages that you have experience with it. I will try to allocate some time for this soon

Looking better at this, it seems that the examples are terrible!! So it's not you! The determinant of the first example is zero, which make the second example completely undefined....

Thanks for the PR. I think that your suggestion is not what is desired for general shipping of a library. If I’m not mistaken you will now encode the install-time...

A second this is that what would fix #169 is to get rid of more modern convenience functions. As specified in the issue, replacing: ```cmake target_link_libraries(xtensor-blas INTERFACE ${BLAS_LIBRARIES} ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES}) ```...

Can you include more details: * What does you `CMakeLists.txt` look like? * What command do you use to execute CMake? * What version CMake do you use? * What...

I think it has to do with your CMake version not accepting a more modern CMake version. You did exactly the same as what there was before with simple a...