Tang Cheng
Tang Cheng
我不太清楚这个参考文献标准是什么背景下选定的,不过似乎现在已经不太适用了?我的导师(计算机学院)表示这个格式还是有一点问题TAT 导师推荐的是下面这个格式: ``` 参考文献格式 中文书刊:作者按中文写法,姓在前、名在后;英文书刊:作者按英文习惯写法,如在前、姓在后,名用首字母缩写、姓用全称。一般6人以内须列出全部作者,6人以上写6人再加“等”(英文加“et al”))。每个参考文献的最后不加标点符号。 (1)图书:最多列出6个作者,作者与作者之间用逗号分隔. 书名. 版本(第×版). 译者. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. 起页-止页(可选) (2)期刊:最多列出6个作者,作者与作者之间用逗号分隔. 文章名. 期刊名(全称). 年号, 卷号(期号): 起页-止页或论文编号 (3)会议论文集:最多列出6个作者,作者之间用逗号分隔. 文章名. 见(英文用“in”):会议名称(或论文集). 会议城市, 国家, 会议时间, 出版者, 出版年: 起页-止页 (4)专利:专利申请者....
It seems that there is an indentation error in this line https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmflow/blob/dev-1.x/mmflow/models/decoders/base_decoder.py#L102 The postprocess_result function returns at the first entry of the for-loop. This should be an easy fix.
I'm trying to use `RTMDet` as the detector and use SORT to track a video with `demo_vid.py`, but I get the following errors: ``` 03/07 23:32:17 - mmengine - WARNING...
I have a md file that does not contain any image but contains an embedded note (e.g., `![[blablabla]]`). It seems that foldernote is taking it as an image and tries...
## Motivation Fixed an indentation error which leads to incorrect batch optical flow prediction. This indentation error causes early return in a loop. This is a minor fix and should...