Tang Cheng
Tang Cheng
In case you need some random text in Chinese to see how they look like in your theme :) ``` ## 体表投影 肋胸膜与膈胸膜的反折线为胸膜下界,与纵隔胸膜前缘和后缘的反折线分别为胸膜前界和胸膜后界。==胸膜前界和胸膜下界有较重要的临床意义,心包穿刺胸骨劈开、前纵隔手术和肾手术时,应注意不要损伤胸膜==。 各部壁胸膜互相折返处称胸膜折返线 - 肋胸膜与纵隔胸膜前缘的折返线是**胸膜前界** - 上端起于[[锁骨]]中、内1/3交界处上方2.5cm的胸膜顶,向内下斜行,在第2胸肋关节水平,两侧相互靠拢,在正中线附近垂直下行。右侧于第6胸肋关节处越过[[剑肋角]]与胸膜下界相移行。左侧在第4胸肋关节处转向外下方,沿锁骨左侧缘约2-2.5cm距离向下行,在[[第六肋软骨]]后方与胸膜下界相移行。 - 左右胸膜前界的上下份彼此分开,中间部分彼此靠近...
Hi, I'm using the model to do customized pose estimation. I've modified the code and the program runs smoothly. The bounding box is okay, but the keypoint preds are not...
I also found that when I try to scroll back to the previous chapter, the epub viewer will jump back to where I started. I wonder if you are experiencing...
Have you figured out how to create a customized CocoVideoDataset? Is there a tool to create such datasets, or are there any tools to create video instance segmentation datasets like...
Hi, could anyone tell me how should I convert coco keypoints format to yolo format? What should the files in the `datasets/labels` folder be?
@SashaAlderson Your solution works! Thanks!!! But I am wondering why it works :( The yolox version of YOLO-Pose with the default loss function works fine, but there is a severe...
@SashaAlderson The original implementation of OKS is good, but I don't know why there are shifted points. By changing `1 - torch.exp(-d/(s*(4*sigmas**2)+1e-9))` to `1 - torch.exp(-d/(s**1.1*(4*sigmas**2)+1e-9))` also solved the problem.