Web-App-Hacking-Notes copied to clipboard
Notes I've taken while working through various web app pentesting labs.
Appreciate the work done in the notes here. 😀
1. Summary is followed by cruft. 1. Point out that the injection can only be performed as Larry, with `employee_id` set to `101`. Show the Java that enforces that.
It includes WebGoat, DVWA, Gruyere, etc.
From @padraic's book which is at his [phpsecurity repository](https://github.com/padraic/phpsecurity/blob/master/book/lang/en/source/_includes/Cross-Site-Scripting-And-Injecting-Context.rst): On the server: ```html
http://prompt.ml/ https://github.com/cure53/XSSChallengeWiki/wiki/prompt.ml https://blog.0daylabs.com/2016/06/18/prompt-ml-XSS-challenge-writeup/
This is for [xss-reflected-steal-cookie.md](https://github.com/tcpiplab/Web-App-Hacking-Notes/blob/master/xss-reflected-steal-cookie.md). The scenario would be that user A tricks user B into clicking a link containing the XSS code. 1. Test from one account to another of...
There are at least three files that could become one. One file is 0 bytes. The title should indicate that this is for Webgoat XSS, not overall Webgoat.