Thomas Coopman

Results 44 issues of Thomas Coopman

other functions with the same argument `graph_or_primitive` also have a definition with a `Primitive` struct, but it seems this is not implemented for group. I'm not sure if group should...


As discussed on slack: I've just set a gpio to output that I had earlier set as input and get this: ```00:09:11.901 [error] [ 551.896527] gpio-17 (sysfs): _gpiod_direction_output_raw: tried to...

While I was looking for the error that I had yesterday where some messages didn't arrive, I as that you use `Lwt.pick` here: I'm wondering if that shouldn't be...

I'd like to be able to write a query like this: ```sql WITH foo(a, b) AS (values (1::int, 'a'::text), (2, 'b') ) SELECT * FROM foo; ``` that could translate...

Sometimes at the end of a run (I guess after an `exit`) this message appears on the console: `Fatal error: exception Failure("Marshal.data_size: bad object")`. This doesn't happen every time. OS:...


I have some markdown like this: ``` * one * two * list * x * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 1. test 2. test2 1. x 1....

As a proof of concept, I've started to implement some Undirected functions (see #39). I've did it by copying all things over from `Directed` and changing some parts. This is...

`type foo = < bar : string > Js.t` breaks highlighting on the next lines in the ocaml highlighting. It looks like the type doesn't get closed correctly, because if...


The following code: ```ocaml svg_elt "svg" [ svg_elt ~a:[ clip_rule "evenodd"; d "M5 9V7a5 5 0 0110 0v2a2 2 0 012 2v5a2 2 0 01-2 2H5a2 2 0 01-2-2v-5a2 2...

when setting `class_` on a `svg_elt "svg"` I get the following error: `Uncaught TypeError: setting getter-only property "className"`, same thing happens with `viewBox` It seems that for svg, you need...