Terry Cojean
Terry Cojean
In general, I agree with what is stated as a non expert on all of this it's very hard to figure out what most things do. I completely agree that...
> I didn't get this one, could you explain? It's just that you will review the code while understanding which variables do what. While doing that people would realise some...
I'm OK with using `snake_case`. If I proposed `CamelCase` it is mostly because this is what the Google C++ Style Guide proposes: https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Type_Names
After stumbling on this same exact problem, I ended up finding a solution to this. Thanks a lot @xiaocenxiaocen for the small example, that helped a lot. The fix here...
Another way to fix this issue is to call `set_target_properties(${MY_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE HIP)` after calling `hip_add_library`. Setting `HCC_PATH` before `find_package(HIP QUIET)` is also required. In this case, the custom `CMAKE_CXX_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY`...
Thanks for the reply! It does work, but you need to pass in a lot of other flags (to find libraries, headers, related binaries such as `crtbegin.o`). For a simple...