Link Wu
Link Wu
I am studying in a foreign country now so I don't have that much storage with me. As a result, I don't use Jellyfin anymore. It's not like Jellyfin is...
@EdiTurn I don't use Jellyfin anymore so I don't have too much time working on this script. It will be nice if you can update the Readme file with your...
Thank you for the advice! I will add it to the readme file.
@GGK911 你写的很详细啊,考虑提交一个pull request吗?这样别人看readme碰到问题可以直接得到解决hhh,我现在没在用jellyfin了所以不是很方便维护这个repo
Can you share the error message in the potplayer? It should report `xxx file is not found` or something like that.
In this case, you may want to try `path = 'V:'+path.replace(/\//g,'\\')`. Let me know if you any other questions.
Can you open F12 developer tool in the Jellyfin and then check the output in the console? You can adjust the script according to how the output looks like.
Did you modify other scrips? I am not sure where does the additional backslash come from...