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Proposal to enable importing modules at the source phase

Import Reflection


Champion(s): Luca Casonato, Guy Bedford

Author(s): Luca Casonato, Guy Bedford

Stage: 2

Stage 3 reviewers: Daniel Ehrenberg, Kris Kowal


For both JavaScript and WebAssembly, there is a need to be able to more closely customize the loading, linking, and execution of modules beyond the standard host execution model.

For JavaScript, creating userland loaders would require a module reflection type in order to share the host parsing, execution, security, and caching semantics.

For WebAssembly, imports and exports for WebAssembly modules often require custom inspection and wrapping in order to be set up correctly, which typically requires manual instantiation work that would not necessarily be straightforward or possible under the proposed host ESM integration proposal.

Supporting module reflections syntactically as a new import form creates a primitive that can extend the static, security and tooling benefits of modules from the ESM integration to these dynamic instantiation use cases.


This proposal allows ES modules to import a reified representation of the compiled source of a module when the host provides such a representation:

import module x from "<specifier>";

The module reflection type is added to the beginning of the ImportStatement.

Only the above form is supported - named exports and unbound declarations are not supported.

Dynamic import()

const x = await import("<specifier>", { reflect: "module" });

For dynamic imports, module import reflection is specified in the same second attribute options bag that import assertions are specified in, using the reflect key.

If the asset references proposal advances in future it could share this same reflect key for dynamic asset imports as being symmetrical reflections:

import asset x from "<specifier>";
await import("<specifier>", { reflect: "asset" });

Only the module reflection is specified by this proposal.

JS Reflection

The type of the reflection object for a JavaScript module is currently host-defined, but the goal would be for this to be defined to be an object that is compatible with objects defined by the module blocks and the compartments specifications.

Specifying this object remains a TODO item for the proposal.

Wasm Reflection

The type of the reflection object for WebAssembly would be a WebAssembly.Module, as defined in the WebAssembly JS integration API.

The reflection would represent an unlinked and uninstantiated module, while still being able to support the same CSP policy as the native ESM integration, avoiding the need for unsafe-wasm-eval for custom Wasm execution.

Since reflection is defined through a host hook, this Wasm reflection is left to be specified in the Wasm ESM Integration.

This allows workflows, as explained in the motivation, like the following:

import module FooModule from "./foo.wasm";
FooModule instanceof WebAssembly.Module; // true

// For example, to run a WASI execution with an API like Node.js WASI:
import { WASI } from 'wasi';
const wasi = new WASI({ args, env, preopens });

const fooInstance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(FooModule, {
  wasi_snapshot_preview1: wasi.wasiImport


The static analysis benefits of not needing a custom fetch and WebAssembly.compileStreaming apply not only to code analysis and security but also for bundlers.

In turn this enables Wasm components to be able to import WebAssembly.Module objects themselves in future.

Other Module Types

Other module types may define their own host reflections. A module reflection may fail during the linking phase if it depends on a reflected import that the host cannot satisfy for lack of an available reflection for the corresponding module type.

Security Benefits

Tracking the origins of scripts or modules is important for protecting programs from cross-site scripting attacks, for example using Content Security Policies. Extending this behaviour to dynamic module reflections enables custom loaders while retaining these security benefits.

Wasm compilation is unfortunately completely dynamic right now (manual network fetch & compile), so Wasm unconditionally requires a script-src: unsafe-wasm-eval CSP attribute.

With this proposal, the JS and Wasm module reflections would be known statically, so would not have to be considered as dynamic code generation. This would allow the web platform to enabling dynamic instantiation for these modules while lifting the restriction of an arbitrary evaluation CSP policy and instead just require script-src: self (or wasm-src: self). Also see

This property does not just impact platforms using CSP, but also other platforms with systems to restrict permissions, such as Deno.

Cache Key Semantics

The proposed approach would be a clone behaviour, where imports to the same module of different reflection types result in separate keys. These semantics do run counter to the intuition that there is just one copy of a module.

The specification would then split the HostResolveImportedModule hook into two components - module asset resolution, and module asset interpretation. The module asset resolution component would retain the exact same idempotency requirement, while the module asset interpretation component would have idempotency down to keying on the module asset and reflection type pair.

Effectively, this splits the module cache into two separate caches - an asset cache retaining the current idempotency of the HostResolveImportedModule host hook, pointing to an opaque cached asset reference, and a module instance cache, keyed by this opaque asset reference and the reflection type.

Alternative proposals include:

  • Race and use the attribute that was requested by the first import. This seems broken in that the second usage is ignored.
  • Reject the module graph and don't load if attributes differ. This seems bad for composition--using two unrelated packages together could break, if they load the same module with disagreeing attributes.

Both of these alternatives seem less versatile than the proposed clone behaviour above.


Q: How does this relate to import assertions?

A: Import assertions do not influence how an imported asset is evaluated, and they do not influence the HostResolveImportedModule idempotency requirements. This proposal does. Also see

Q: How does this relate to module blocks and compartments?

A: The module object that is reflected should be specified here to be compatible with the linking model of module blocks and compartments.

Q: Would this proposal enable the importing of other languages directly as modules?

A: While hosts may define import reflection, expanding the evaluation of arbitrary language syntax to the web is not seen as a motivating use case for this proposal.

Q: Why not just use const module = await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch(new URL("./module.wasm", import.meta.url)));?

A: There are multiple benefits: firstly if the module is statically referenced in the module graph, it is easier to statically analyze (by bundlers for example). Secondly when using CSP, script-src: unsafe-eval would not be needed. See the security improvements section for more details.