[Ling Gao](https://app.slack.com/team/W4E8PQ60K) [10:12 AM](https://ibm-edgefabric.slack.com/archives/D013KQ2RJV9/p1644505945518769) Hi Tim, Jeff slacked me yesterday on his problem on macos, I asked him to give me the log, docker logs horizon1, we found out that...
@MaxMcAdam - Tried to verify the defect today on hzn version 913. root@tbsK3agent1:~/444-agentfiles# **hzn version** Horizon CLI version: 2.30.0-913 Horizon Agent version: 2.30.0-913 Node being used is a k3s edge...
@linggao @MaxMcAdam Karen and I retested this nmp status removal scenario again on Wed. We found that it appears the removal of the nmp status for a node is triggered,...
Hi John, I will work with Troy, I think he owns/maintains those examples.
John - I contacted Troy - he was aware from examples meeting where this was discussed: Troy Fine [1:49 PM](https://ibm-edgefabric.slack.com/archives/D015X932PQU/p1663091362535649) Hey Tim, ah yes John brought that up in the...
@johnwalicki No worries, we got it moved over to Troy.