Tim Booth
Tim Booth
From @cmeesters: > the log directive is crucial. There is no rule, using it, no task implementing it. No lookup performed by the participants. > log is its own directive,...
@cmeesters reports: > Chapter 4- The DAG: Major Issue: >the solution does not work
From @cmeesters: > Idea: > > I usually prefer using dot - and demonstrate all possible workflow representations. This way, participants > know how to display and copy&paste "their" DAGs...
From @cmeesters > Major Issue: > here it does not pay out to start with a counting reads rule: there is no motivation to do so. It is not necessary...
Comments from @cmeesters on this topic: * fastx is totally outdated, tools like cutadept are meanwhile good replacements. It is ok to use fastx for didactics, though, as participants can...
From review by @cmeesters: *Chapter 11 - Designing a new workflow* This Chapter needs a major revision: * the assembly part comes out of the blue and is unrelated to...
Suggestion from @cmeesters to add to Chapter 9: > describe the difference between global and per-rule requirements. > A global requirement might be snakemake, the executor plugin, the file system...