auto_martini copied to clipboard
No module named 'sanifix4'
hello, someone can help me please. I am still new in the use of python I was unable to find the sanifix4 module when I installed auto-martini. Then I use pip install sanifix4 to install sanifix4, the error is as follows: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement sanifix4 (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for sanifix4
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I forgot to add the file when I updated the master branch. The problem should be fixed now. You can either just update your existing branch by typing "git pull" in the auto_martini folder, or you can just checkout or re-download the code again.
Thank you for your replay I re-download the code. But the new problem has appeared again. When I run auto_martini, I get the following error:
(my-rdkit-env) PS D:\work_software\auto-martini\auto_martini-master> python .\auto_martini Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\auto_martini", line 38, in from sanifix4 import AdjustAromaticNs File "D:\work_software\auto-martini\auto_martini-master\", line 277 print '#---------------------' ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('#---------------------')?
How can I solve this problem?
I suspect that this error is due to the fact that you are using Python 3, whereas the code is meant to run on Python 2.7.X.
Hello, the sanifix problem has been solved. When I tried "auto-martini --smi "N1=C(N)NN=C1N" --mol GUA", the program reported the following error:
(my-rdkit-env) PS D:\work_software\auto-martini\auto_martini-master> python .\auto_martini --smi "N1=C(N)NN=C1N" --mol G
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\auto_martini", line 1389, in
How can I solve this problem?
Again, this is a Python 3 issue. As far as I can understand the xrange function was renamed to range in Python 3. If you intend to convert the code to be compatible with Python 3 and not run it in Python 2.7.x, I highly recommend you google the errors you are getting before commenting here, as I am still unfamiliar with the specific differences between the two versions of Python and will only be of limited help.
Hi I have successfully installed auto-martini, but there is a new problem when I run the program. usage: auto_martini [-h] (--sdf SDF | --smi SMI) --mol MOLNAME [--aa AA] [--cg CG] [-v] [--fpred] auto_martini: error: argument --mol is required (my-rdkit-env) sun@sun-QiTianM620-N000:~/桌面/auto-martini/auto_martini-master$ python auto_martini --sdf peg400.sdf --mol PEG WARNING:main:Error with BeautifulSoup constructor How can I solve this problem?
Try running the following python code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import lxml
import requests
session = requests.session()
req = session.get('')
doc = BeautifulSoup(req.content, "lxml")
soup = doc.prettify()
print soup
you should get this output:
mol_N logP logS SMILES
mol_1 2.81 -1.91 CCCC
Is this the case?