Tyler Benster
Tyler Benster
Unless a user is running `ssh-agent`, libgit2 does not find ssh keys, when git does. There are popular issues with both [Rust's Cargo](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/2078), and [Julia's Pkg.jl](https://github.com/JuliaLang/Pkg.jl/issues/911#issuecomment-699243851). Currently, Cargo solves this...
Following the tutorial at https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/, I created the following [`pyproject.toml`](https://github.com/tbenst/safari/blob/cb666bceefad1bbfe5ea9a3f3a94a26de0111b0d/pyproject.toml#L1-L22): ``` [build-system] requires = ["hatchling"] build-backend = "hatchling.build" [project] name = "safari" version = "0.1.0" description = "Convolutions for Sequence...
I've traced a hang when using Pytorch to this line: https://github.com/Yelp/bravado-core/blob/ac5e46d618d4f7720f79eba02edad221a50047e1/bravado_core/spec.py#L407 The full trace is here: https://gist.github.com/tbenst/2b6ef453b37f634f32d856bbdceed71e Any idea what might be causing this, or how I could troubleshoot?
For this example: https://altair-viz.github.io/gallery/strip_plot_jitter.html mimetype works, HTML backend does not. I think this is either a bug, or should be documented on the example page. Tested using VSCode Interactive Python....
I find that I have to switch from CartesianIndex to a Tuple if I want to use an index with `Colon()`--perhaps this could be supported in CartesianIndex?
Unfortunately, `http://localhost:3000/videos/my_video.mp4#t=30` serves the video, but does not start at 30 seconds. I have confirmed that on another webserver with the same browser that this query works per [W3C spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/)
I copied the files from https://nixos.org/nixops/manual/#sec-deploying-to-ec2, and only changed the accessKeyId. Unfortunately I get this error: ``` > nixops create ./load-balancer.nix ./load-balancer-ec2.nix -d load-balancer-ec2 created deployment ‘7d8239f3-0d5b-11ea-89e6-02428c63fe0c’ 7d8239f3-0d5b-11ea-89e6-02428c63fe0c > nixops...
Really great read so far! Edit: Figured it'd be easier just to update one issue rather than make a new one for each item ## 5.17 This is the first...
Since this package saves data as column-order, the order field should be `F` per https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/spec/v1.html?highlight=row%20major#metadata, but currently this is set to `C` https://github.com/meggart/Zarr.jl/blob/686e41856808d71c7cd878f0c6d142a89c60be37/src/metadata.jl#L153
This fails: ``` p = "/tmp/example.zarr" z1 = zcreate(Int, 10000, 10000, path = p, chunks = (1000, 1000)) z1[1, :] = 1:10000 mode = "r+" z2 = zopen(p,mode) z2[1,2] =...