Tyler Bennett

Results 26 comments of Tyler Bennett

What are the contents of /var/log/xrdp-sesman.log? [xrdp-sesman.log](https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/files/9005990/xrdp-sesman.log) Are you using the Xorg or the Xvnc backend? Xorg If you're using Xorg, what is in ~/.xorgxrdp.10.log? [xorgxrdp.10.log](https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/files/9005992/xorgxrdp.10.log)

I see lots of errors in here. [journalctl.txt](https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/files/9015091/journalctl.txt)

> xfce isn't fully installed. Does it work on the system console? I'm not entirely sure what this means or how to test this? > you're logged in to another...

Okay. I'm not sure I was aware of that. I can login to XFCE4 via the system console. but I was trying the same user. Once I changed to login...

Greetings, I was impacted by this as well. This could be useful for anyone else impacted: I used the following state to apply a workaround. ```yaml # bugfix commented deb...

> 1. We believe that the terminal is more powerful when you can share commands with teammates, generate commands using Open AI Codex, or run shared wikis directly in the...

What would it take to implement some kinda parser in the localdocs? I mean I'd be willing to look at doing a pr for it? Either in python or in...

#1344 could help address one of those points above: > dumping databases into a folder, requesting experimental data such as (mw, mp/fp, solubility) specifically when gpt hallucinates or makes up...