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Optimize any Joomla website and/or turn it into a Progressive Web Application

Joomla Website Optimizer Plugin

Current version Documentation Known Vulnerabilities download from JED


Make your website blazing fast.


  • It includes a new Css parser
  • Automatic critical path css generation which will bring you close to 100 in lighthouse test with no effort

Here are some features provided by this plugin


  • HTML minification
  • preserve IE conditional comments


  • merge files
  • minify files
  • remove files based on a pattern
  • async loading
  • move javascript to the bottom of the page


  • merge files
  • minify files
  • remove files based on a pattern
  • async loading
  • web fonts preloading
  • automatic critical css generation


  • automatically resize images
  • convert to avif and webp
  • generate responsive images
  • generate preview images
  • lazyloading images
  • generate responsive css background images


  • automatic critical css path generation
  • configurable HTTP caching headers
  • optimizations are enforced when the client sends Save-Data HTTP header
  • dns prefetch
  • profile plugin performance using HTTP server timing headers
  • precompressed cached files using brotli or gzip.

Service Worker

  • enable service worker
  • offline first support
  • background sync
  • web share target level 2
  • web push notifications using One Signal
  • immediately update the service worker when the manifest settings change

Content Security Policy (CSP)

Configure almost every csp level 3 settings to your liking:

  • disable inline scripts and css
  • block css, js, workers, frames, etc.
  • allow css and js from specific origin only
  • dynamic csp rules generation from the page content


  • Sub Resource Integrity
  • HSTS header configuration
  • XSS-PROTECTION header configuration
  • X-Frames-Options configuration

Hotlink Protection

  • configure file type that use hotlink protection
  • configure link lifetime

The complete list of features is available in the online documentation and the change log