redaxo_url copied to clipboard
Kann es sein, dass die VideoUrl-Klasse nicht funktioniert?
`<?php namespace Url;
use Riimu\Kit\UrlParser\Uri; use Riimu\Kit\UrlParser\UriParser;
class VideoUrl extends Url { public $aspectRatio = '16:9'; public $autoPlay = false; public $fullscreen = true; public $related = false; public $urlParams = [];
public function __call($method, $arguments)
if (method_exists('Uri', $method)) {
return $this->uri->$method(...$arguments);
} else {
return $this->$method(...$arguments);
public static function parse($url)
return new self($url);
* Returns a embed code.
* @return string the embed url
public function getEmbedCode()
$attributes = [
'src' => $this->getEmbedUrl(),
if ($this->fullscreen) {
$attributes['allowfullscreen'] = 'allowfullscreen';
return '<div class="embed-responsive aspect-ratio-'.str_replace(':', 'by', $this->aspectRatio).'"><iframe '.\rex_string::buildAttributes($attributes).'></iframe></div>';
* Returns a embed code.
* @return string the embed url
public function getPlayerCode()
$attributes = [
'class' => 'js-player',
'data-type' => $this->getService(),
'data-video-id' => $this->getId(),
return '<div'.\rex_string::buildAttributes($attributes).'></div>';
* Builds a embed url from a video id.
* @return string the embed url
public function getEmbedUrl()
if ($this->isVimeo()) {
return $this->getVimeoEmbedUrl();
if ($this->isYoutube()) {
return $this->getYoutubeEmbedUrl();
return null;
* @return null|string Null on failure, the video's id on success
public function getId()
if ($this->isVimeo()) {
return $this->getVimeoId();
if ($this->isYoutube()) {
return $this->getYoutubeId();
return null;
* @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getFullUrl()
return $this->toString();
* @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getUrl()
return $this->toString();
* @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function hasQueryParameter()
return $this->getQuery() ? true : false;
* @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getQueryParameter()
return $this->getQuery();
* @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getService()
$url = $this->getFullUrl();
if (preg_match('%vimeo%i', $url)) {
return 'vimeo';
if (preg_match('%youtube|youtu\.be%i', $url)) {
return 'youtube';
return null;
* Get a thumbnail url from a video id.
* @return null|string the thumbnail url
public function getThumbnailUrl()
if ($this->isVimeo()) {
return $this->getVimeoThumbnailUrl();
if ($this->isYoutube()) {
return $this->getYoutubeThumbnailUrl();
return null;
* Builds a Vimeo embed url from a video id.
* @return string The url's id
public function getVimeoEmbedUrl()
$params = [
'byline' => '0',
'portrait' => '0',
if ($this->autoPlay) {
$params['autoplay'] = '1';
$params = array_merge($params, $this->urlParams);
$params = count($params) ? '?'.\rex_string::buildQuery($params) : '';
return ''.$this->getVimeoId().$params;
* Parses various vimeo urls and returns video identifier.
* @return string The url's id
public function getVimeoId()
return $this->getIdFromUrlPath();
* Get a Vimeo thumbnail url from a video id.
* @return null|string The thumbnail url
public function getVimeoThumbnailUrl()
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(''.$this->getVimeoId().'.json'), true);
if (isset($data[0])) {
return $data[0]['thumbnail_large'];
return null;
* Builds a Youtube embed url from a video id.
* @return string The url's id
public function getYoutubeEmbedUrl()
$params = [];
if ($this->autoPlay) {
$params['autoplay'] = '1';
$params['rel'] = $this->related ? '1' : '0';
$params = array_merge($params, $this->urlParams);
$params = count($params) ? '?'.\rex_string::buildQuery($params) : '';
return ''.$this->getYoutubeId().$params;
* Parses various youtube urls and returns video identifier.
* @return string the url's id
public function getYoutubeId()
$url = $this->getUrl();
$urlParamKeys = ['v', 'vi'];
foreach ($urlParamKeys as $urlParamKey) {
if ($this->hasQueryParameter($urlParamKey)) {
return $this->getQueryParameter($urlParamKey);
return $this->getIdFromUrlPath();
* Get a Youtube thumbnail url from a video id.
* @return string The thumbnail url
public function getYoutubeThumbnailUrl()
return ''.$this->getYoutubeId().'/0.jpg';
* @return bool
public function isVimeo()
return $this->getService() == 'vimeo';
* @return bool
public function isYoutube()
return $this->getService() == 'youtube';
* @param $aspectRatio string
* @throws \rex_exception
public function setAspectRatio($aspectRatio)
if (count(explode(':', $aspectRatio)) != 2) {
throw new \rex_exception('$aspectRatio is expected to define two numbers separate by a colon, "'.$aspectRatio.'" given!');
$this->aspectRatio = $aspectRatio;
* @param $autoPlay bool
public function setAutoPlay($autoPlay = true)
$this->autoPlay = $autoPlay;
* @param $fullscreen bool
* @throws \rex_exception
public function setFullscreen($fullscreen = true)
$this->fullscreen = $fullscreen;
* @param $related bool
* @throws \rex_exception
public function setRelated($related = true)
$this->related = $related;
* @param $key string
* @param $value bool|string
public function addUrlParam($key, $value)
$this->urlParams[$key] = $value;
* @return string The last element of the url path
protected function getIdFromUrlPath()
$pathParts = explode('/', $this->getPath());
return end($pathParts);
} `
Wo wird das denn im AddOn gebraucht? Bin neugierig
Im Addon selber nicht, aber als Helfer-Klasse fürs Parsen von Vimeo oder YouTube Urls
ok. Das Plyr AddOn hat auch entsprechende Methoden, deshalb frage ich.
Die Klasse ist ein Überbleibsel von der Version 1. Soll aber noch für die 2er Version aktualisiert werden.