ng2-nouislider copied to clipboard
Slider snaps on manually setting a value between steps
This issue is carried from the nouislider.js package.
The behaviour I need from the slider is described here:
To be specific, I need the NoUiSlider able to get input value between steps. For example, see below my code, if I want to manually type a number of 7500 in , then NoUiSlider will automatically set the value to 10000. If I set the step to be 1, then the performance of dragging the handle becomes unacceptable.
The link above shows a good solution, by having an extra option 'exactInput' to allow for exact value between steps. But ng2-nouislider wraps nouislider.js already, how can I change the source code of nouislider.js? And presumably I manage to change the source code in nouislider.js, it changes still won't be carried over to Azure DevOps, so it's a dead end?
My code is as below
<input type="text" name="propertyHomeWorthInput" [(ngModel)]="propertyHomeWorth">
<nouislider [config]="money100MConfig" [(ngModel)]="propertyHomeWorth"></nouislider>
money100MConfig: any = {
connect: 'lower',
range: {
min: [0, 5000],
'25%': [1000000, 10000],
'50%': [2000000, 100000],
'75%': [50000000, 1000000],
max: 100000000
I am having this same issue. From leongersen : "As of noUiSlider 14.6.2 (just released), you can use the exactInput argument to the set method to bypass the slider stepping."
Is this going to carry over?
Hi @tcernera , glad that my PR could help people! I just checked package.json in this project, nouislider is required to be later than version 9.x in peerDependencies, so I guess the changes will be carried over.
"peerDependencies": {
"@angular/common": ">=2.x",
"@angular/core": ">=2.x",
"nouislider": ">=9.x"
@tenglongroy I am having some trouble actually implementing this. Any suggestions? Here is a stackblitz with a use case