Hi @Whitehorse2 just had a look, yeah fetching the comment from the database output just isn't implemented currently. I can check it out on the weekend. Can you clarify what...
Hi @Whitehorse2 I have added a "comment" field in the slurmdb jobs output in the branch you mentioned (https://github.com/PySlurm/pyslurm/commit/b3cc3656318221a8bfdcc8224a8e1b9293411298) In regards to the `MIN_TMP_DISK` - for Jobs fetched from the...
Hi, yeah you are right, the docs and pypi versions definitely need to receive an update. For the PyPi part, [this approach](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/publishing-package-distribution-releases-using-github-actions-ci-cd-workflows/) seems to be quite nice. In that guide,...
ReadTheDocs could definitely be a good option for hosting the docs. As for building the docs, right now the project has been using Sphinx, but MkDocs also looks pretty promising....
Another thing which I'd think would be nice at least for the in-code readability of the documentation is to switch over from `reStructuredText` to something like the [Google docstring format](https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html)...
Hi @giovtorres to automatically publish new releases to PyPi in the future, a PyPi API-Token needs to be added as a Github Secret to this repository. Would it be possible...
@multimeric yeah I would drop the focus on multiversion for now - maybe we find another solution later on or perhaps switching from github pages to something like readthedocs that...
@multimeric Alright, I've played with Cython and mkdocs a bit more - maybe we can still actually use mkdocs. I've discovered a cython option called [binding](https://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/userguide/migrating_to_cy30.html#binding-functions), which, when set to...
ping @giovtorres - would appreciate if you could check out [my comment here](https://github.com/PySlurm/pyslurm/issues/262#issuecomment-1457950168) :)
Good news: The documentation has now been updated at https://pyslurm.github.io/ with multi-version support already enabled 🎉 (although at the moment only 23.2 is shown). There is probably still many things...