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A simple wrapper around react MaterialUI
A simple wrapper around React MaterialUI. It is basically like bootstrap-cljs.
The sample is located at:
cd examples/simple
lein cljsbuild once simple
Then going to resources/public/index.html in a browser
You should see a very basic input box, material ui-style.
Accessing component methods
Most material-ui react components have methods to control their behaviour. For example, TextField has getValue()
to retrieve its value (amongst others). To access these you must get the raw react component.
Using the folowing function, the raw react component can be retrieved using :ref
(defn get-ref [owner ref]
(aget (.-refs owner) ref))
Then, given this text field component:
{:ref "text"})
You can get its value using (.getValue (get-ref owner "text"))
Avoid loading React twice
By default, when adding om as a :dependency in the project, it will include react. material.js does that too, so you page will load react twice and probably will see a message like this in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined
A way to avoid this problem is to make om not include react, and just use the one in material.js.
In the project.clj file, include Om as follow:
[org.omcljs/om "0.8.8" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]]
then create a react.cljs file:
mkdir src/cljsjs; echo "(ns cljsjs.react)" > src/cljsjs/react.cljs
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