Taylor Jones

Results 127 comments of Taylor Jones

> It (step) should have NO effect on the allowed values entered in the input field. This directly conflicts with the html spec for `step` unfortunately. It has to remain...

@freder Do [expanded rows](https://react.carbondesignsystem.com/?path=/story/components-datatable-expansion--usage) not work for your use case? My understanding is that these can be nested, though we don't show it in storybook.

Thanks for the report @ccwilson-us-ibm-com, you're right the intent is for only a single red outline to be present. We'll work on a fix.

> So, if a card is actionable -- a control -- it should have something like a stroke around it that contrasts 3:1 against the page background so that users...

We've refined this down and are now tracking the eventual implementation of this over in https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon/issues/12278

Duplicate of https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon/issues/12278


In catching up on this my understanding is that it's so far been blocked by flatpickr - the only remedy would've been reimplementing the entire component or refactoring to use...