element-rpm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
element-rpm copied to clipboard

Providing the Element messaging desktop client packaged for the Fedora, Red Hat(IBM), and OpenSUSE families of linux desktop operating systems.

Results 14 element-rpm issues
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Thank you for 2 years of convenience that I and many others enjoyed, if you ever happen to be somewhere close to Munich/Germany, I'd be happy to buy you a...

Hello, I have recently moved computers over and thus installed a fresh Fedora 35. I attempted to install by entering the required commands: ``` sudo dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core distribution-gpg-keys...

Installing the element OpenSUSE repositories adds two repositories: stable and testing. There is no Element package under stable, only testing. releasever=15.3 ``` [element-stable] name=Element for OpenSUSE Leap $releasever - $basearch...

and also remove the words saying the Flatpak is supplied by Element, since it is not.

In short, GTK3 depends on sqlite by way of its "Tracker" indexing component, which conflicts with Element trying to link to sqlcipher, since sqlcipher uses the same symbols as sqlite....

[oli@fedora ~]$ element Seshat unexpected error: Error: libsqlcipher-3.15.2.so.0: Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at process.func [as dlopen] (electron/js2c/asar_bundle.js:5:1846) at Object.Module._extensions..node (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1138:18) at Object.func [as .node]...

Hi and thanks for your work on this. The latest version in the COPR is 1.8.2 and there was recently a 1.8.4 security release: https://matrix.org/blog/2021/09/13/vulnerability-disclosure-key-sharing It would be nice to...

Dear all, would it be possible to build the package for Mageia ? https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Packaging_for_beginners

Today, I can't start element on Fedora 33: ``` $ element /home/cassou/.config/Element exists: no /home/cassou/.config/Riot exists: yes Using legacy user data path: /home/cassou/.config/Riot The futex facility returned an unexpected error...

There is a tooltip in the search UI: > Use the Desktop app to search encrypted messages and search returns no results in an encrypted room. Isn't it the Desktop...