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set_timeout/3 not anymore documented, its status?
If I check out this here, I don't find set_timeout/3 anymore documented:
Operating System Interaction http://tau-prolog.org/documentation#os
On the other hand this still worked for me:
:- use_module(library(os)).
call_later(G, T) :-
set_timeout(T, G, _).
Whats its status, is it somehow deprecated?
There is also a snake example, still using set_timeout/3:
Snake game in Prolog http://tau-prolog.org/examples/snake
And set_timeout/3 is mentioned here:
Web development with Tau Prolog José A. Riaza - June 13, 2022 https://biblioteca.sistedes.es/submissions/descargas/2022/PROLE/2022-PROLE-006.pdf
Is the snake example deprecated? Memory problems because of set_timeout/3. Strangely in the browser the browser shows a backtrace of a repeated set_timeout/3 call, where and how does
it store this backtrace? Does this mean the snake example might abort sooner or later?