The Merlin vac engines need their SL thrust improved. The worst SSTU upper stage engine in terms of difference between SL and vac thrust is the RL10-B2, and the SL...
In that case, shouldn't all the game's vac engines have no thrust at SL? Regarding Flacon 9 resuse, I think the intent is indeed dracos or superdracos, that old video...
The RL19s ate clearly vacuum optimized, yet some have a high % of their vac thrust at SL in the SSTU specs. Perhaps they should all (certainly the ones with...
I understand that in the game, this is to provide a thrust curve based upon altitude/pressure, right? Some of the RL10s have a pretty high expansion ratio, and yet go...
Really in the case of KSP, it becomes a game balance issue more than a simulation issue. Merlins in SSTU end up being the go-to engine because they appear early,...
The expansion ratio data is in the spreadsheet, and the SpaceX engines are clearly outliers there, with 2X the expansion ratio for the vac engines of typical upper stage engines....
It was pointed out on NSF that the nozzle extension on the Mvac engines is added after testing it without the added bell. Someone suggested that perhaps that part could...
Yeah, detachable was spitballing ideas, anyway, not too serious, as I'm pretty sure it's never been done in RL. Engine out capability would be interesting, however, and I could see...
Is there a repository for all SSTU images for the wiki? Once uploaded to this forum, they have a URL, but does that remain indefinitely, or must the issue remain...
Saw answer on forum. Nevermind :)