Tatarincev Eugeney
Tatarincev Eugeney
What are you suggested is absolutely unachievable! Due to many factors such as sorting, paging and different search conditions that can be applied only on the data source.
This task should be processed with very low priority
Could we postpone this PR, because we have other promising cache invalidation technology based on event consistency?
This issue has been closed because it has been inactive for a long time You may reopen this issue if it has been closed in error.
In content module need to support only one scope is Store Here is example how to work with scope based permissions
Did you test what you made? Any content permissions does not contains scope definition UI All methods have `[CheckPermission(Permission = ContentPredefinedPermissions.XXXX)]` attribute which will always throw 401 exception for customer...
See how it made in order module:
The use of additional services such as `Azure.ServiceBus` at the moment significantly complicates the platform primary configuration and deployment. Therefore, using a DB storage for these purposes looks as the...
There is PR about this feature need to verify it and test
Same as