
Results 27 comments of tatankat

Tried running on a Pi3: - I have (latest master without webcam) running under X, using OpenGL, but I had to compile libSDL2 (2.0.5) without opengles. Another bug is fixed...

As you use ldaps, you also need #37962

@nickdring Can you confirm it's working with the 2 PRs applied?

@nickdring The code from these PRs are not yet released in a Joomla version (AFAIK), so you have to apply the changes "manually" to test. As @richard67 said in #37962,...

@nickdring Good to know about your test environment :) As you don't use [username] in your User's DN, this PR won't do anything. And as the other PR separately does...

@nickdring and @richard67 , yes, the SSL encryption protocol should be selected (I will check if I can improve #37962 for that, as I am apparently not the only one...

Yes, please. You need to remove the "ldaps://" part in the Host and set "Encryption Protocol" to SSL. When code is accepted to J4, this will be done automatically on...

A last guess: do you still have the port number in the "Host" field? If it is, can you test with the port number removed? If not, then some debugging...

@nickdring I have fixed the ldap debug in PR #38388 To run with ldap debugging, you should update the file (or run from https://github.com/tatankat/joomla-cms/tree/patched which includes all ldap fixes) and...

@nickdring If you have successfully enabled the ldap debugging, then you should find in the php error log (not in the joomla log), then you should see messages like these:...