tasmotizer copied to clipboard
Mac version hangs and have to force quit
The app loads but hangs on Big Sur.
I'm experiencing the same behavior on Big Sur. It loads but is not responding and I have to force quit.
me to on Mojave 10.14.6 :(
The same on 11.2.
I'm having the same issue: Big Sur 11.3 Beta
Same here, hangs on Big Sur 11.01 and need to force quit
Same for me
Confirmed. Compile App is not working. The Python version is ok with MacOS Catalina. Can not test with BigSur I have removed the compiled App. Can you try if ESP-Flasher App is working with BigSur? It is tested with MacOS Catalina
Confirmed. Compile App is not working. The Python version is ok with MacOS Catalina. Can not test with BigSur I have removed the compiled App. Can you try if ESP-Flasher App is working with BigSur? It is tested with MacOS Catalina
The app runs but I don't have anything to flash at the moment to test if the flash actually works - but the app does run without error.
I'm still running MacOS BigSur 11.3 Beta
I'm running Big Sur 11.2.3. Terminal just hangs after using the command tasmotizer.py. Need to quit Terminal to get out of it hanging.
Opening tasmotizer.py in the python IDLE and run it from there worked for me on 11.2!
I think this can be closed due to the webpage that is available for flashing.