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ESP... The time has come to... Tasmotize!

Results 38 tasmotizer issues
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Error running un UBUNTU 22.04 After cloning the dispo and installing the app, I got the follwoing error message: `~/tasmotizer$ python3 tasmotizer.py qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin...

File "/.../tasmotizer.py", line 8, in - import tasmotizer_esptool as esptool" i was a blisfully mindless little tasmotizer-er and performed a dist-upgrade under pop!OS and voila...busted. dragged out the original install...

Is there any chance this will work on a Raspberry PI? Current Hardware is Pi 3B+ OS: ( latest Desktop version ) "Linux Raspberrypi 5.10.63-v7+ #1459 SMP Wed Oct 6...

Hi! Thanks for creating tasmotizer! I'd like to report a UX bug. Yesterday I was flashing Tasmota on ESP01 with my friend and we couldn't get it to work -...

Hi, I recently upgraded to Windows 11. On the same device with Windows 10 flashing worked fine. Tasmotizer opens, connects to COM6 to Wemos D1 mini. After Tasmotize button is...

### Issue Installed Tasmotizer in a virtual environment on Debian Buster 10.7 using the "Option 2" instructions: > Option 2: Install from PyPI using pip: > - Upgrade pip and...

Good Tip

I was just wondering when a new release will be published. Version 1.2 is 16 month old. In the meantime there ave been 20 issues closed and many changes commited....

I am trying to tasmotize 2 x Sonoff ROWR3. They are based on ESP8266EX. With both device, tasmotizer stops usually at around 43-44% in the backup stage. Most of the...

First I installed on my Gentoo desktop, and got a similar error, but using Gentoo is my own choice to be masochistic and see what all needs to be compiled...

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