
Results 106 issues of taskwarrior

_Jack on 2014-08-31T22:47:33Z says:_ Here are two syncs from the FreeCinc log. Both accounts actually belong to me. The first, which I will call "A" has a 41kB tx.data file...


_Dirk Deimeke on 2017-02-04T16:16:42Z says:_ I would be great to have Taskwarrior listen on IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously.

help wanted

_Jack on 2014-10-16T17:01:09Z says:_ Some time around the beginning of October, taskd's memory usage on freecinc would occasionally spike to consume all available system memory, and no clients would be...


_Sebastien Badia on 2015-12-22T21:03:32Z says:_ In Debian, and more generally it's better to have a reproductible build :-) In order to make the build reproductive we need to avoid all...


_Sebastien Badia on 2015-12-22T21:10:39Z says:_ The default location for the pid file is in tmp, this patch fix the path of this file to usr /run instead. (for security reasons).


_Jethro Lising on 2017-05-13T13:16:47Z says:_ On the taskd install guide on the website, the user taskd is not restricted. Anyone can login as taskd and access tasks at the datadir....


_Christian Decker on 2017-03-29T18:20:38Z says:_ I really would love to have the possibility syncing my timew entries via the server. Maybe it's possible to integrate a data storage for the...


_Sebastian Sonne on 2016-06-04T22:45:36Z says:_ For something on my webserver, I've set " " in /etc/hosts. From that point on, I could not sync with taskd anymore, although taskd itself...


_Renato Alves on 2016-05-08T00:08:37Z says:_ At some point in time all the clients of my taskd server stopped syncing. The error on the client side was: ``` Handshake failed. Error...


_Jack Laxson on 2015-10-26T22:20:26Z says:_ https://gist.github.com/jrabbit/3dd6cd1835d6aa421fed note the tabs on the second and third tasks relevant code: https://git.tasktools.org/projects/TM/repos/taskd/browse/src/daemon.cpp#559 expected outcome: error 500 but correct error message
