vocabulary copied to clipboard
[Not Maintained anymore] Python Module to get Meanings, Synonyms and what not for a given word
.. figure:: http://i.imgur.com/ddxYie4.jpg :alt:
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A dictionary magician in the form of a module!
:Author: Tasdik Rahman
.. contents:: :backlinks: none
.. sectnum::
What is it
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For a given word, using Vocabulary
, you can get its
- Meaning
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
Part of speech : whether the word is a
or anadverb
et el - Translate : Translate a phrase from a source language to the desired language.
- Usage example : a quick example on how to use the word in a sentence
- Pronunciation
- Hyphenation : shows the particular stress points(if any)
[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>
Written in uncomplicated
dictionaries and lists -
Minimum dependencies ( just uses
requests <https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests>
__ module ) -
Easy to
install <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#installation>
__ -
A decent substitute to
\ (well almost!) Wanna see? Here is asmall comparison <#wordnet-comparison>
__ -
easy to use <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#usage>
__ -
- both,
- Works on Mac, Linux and Windows
- both,
Why should I use Vocabulary
[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>
is a great resource. No doubt about it! So why should you
use Vocabulary
when we already have Wordnet
out there?
Wordnet Comparison
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Let's say you want to find out the synonyms for the word ``car``.
- Using ``Wordnet``
.. code:: python
>>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet
>>> syns = wordnet.synsets('car')
>>> syns[0].lemmas[0].name
>>> [s.lemmas[0].name for s in syns]
['car', 'car', 'car', 'car', 'cable_car']
>>> [l.name for s in syns for l in s.lemmas]
['car', 'auto', 'automobile', 'machine', 'motorcar', 'car', 'railcar', 'railway_car', 'railroad_car', 'car', 'gondola', 'car', 'elevator_car', 'cable_car', 'car']
- Doing the same using ``Vocabulary``
.. code:: python
>>> from vocabulary.vocabulary import Vocabulary as vb
>>> vb.synonym("car")
"seq": 0,
"text": "automobile"
}, {
"seq": 1,
"text": "cart"
}, {
"seq": 2,
"text": "automotive"
}, {
"seq": 3,
"text": "wagon"
}, {
"seq": 4,
"text": "motor"
>>> ## load the json data
>>> car_synonyms = json.loads(vb.synonym("car"))
>>> type(car_synonyms)
<class 'list'>
So there you go. You get the data in an easy ``JSON`` format.
You can go on comparing for the other methods too.
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Option 1: installing through `pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vocabulary>`__ (Suggested way)
pypi package link <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vocabulary>
$ pip install vocabulary
If you are behind a proxy
$ pip --proxy [username:password@]domain_name:port install vocabulary
Note: If you get command not found
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
should fix that
Option 2: Installing from source (Only if you must)
.. code:: bash
$ git clone https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary.git
$ cd vocabulary/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python setup.py install
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary/master/assets/usage.gif
:alt: Demo link
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary/master/assets/usage-format.gif
:alt: Demo link
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
For a detailed usage example, refer the `documentation at Read the Docs <http://vocabulary.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`__
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Please refer `Contributing page for details <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst>`__
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Join us on our `Gitter channel <https://gitter.im/tasdikrahman/vocabulary>`__
if you want to chat or if you have any questions in your mind.
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
- Huge shoutout to `@tenorz007 <https://github.com/tenorz007>`__ for adding the ability to return the API response as different data structures.
- Thanks to `Anton Relin <https://github.com/relisher>`__ for adding the `translate <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary/blob/master/vocabulary/vocabulary.py#L218>`__ module.
- And a big shout out to all the `contributers <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary/graphs/contributors>`__ for their contributions
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Please refer `Changelog page for details <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary/blob/master/CHANGELOG.rst>`__
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Please report the bugs at the `issue
tracker <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary/issues>`__
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Other similar software inspired by `Vocabulary <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary>`__
- `Vocabulary <https://github.com/karan/vocabulary>`__ : The ``Go lang`` port of this ``python`` counterpart
- `woordy <https://github.com/alephmelo/woordy>`__ : Gives back word translations
- `guile-words <http://pasoev.github.io/words/>`__ : The ``Guile Scheme`` port of this ``python`` counterpart
Known Issues
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
- In **python2**, when using the method **Vocabulary.synonym()** or **Vocabulary.pronunciation()**
.. code:: python
>>> vb.synonym("car")
"seq": 0,
"text": "automotive"
}, {
"seq": 1,
"text": "motor"
}, {
"seq": 2,
"text": "wagon"
}, {
"seq": 3,
"text": "cart"
}, {
"seq": 4,
"text": "automobile"
>>> type(vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus"))
<class 'list'>
>>> json.dumps(vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus"))
'[{"raw": "(h\\u012dp\\u02cc\\u0259-p\\u014ft\\u02c8\\u0259-m\\u0259s)", "rawType": "ahd-legacy", "seq": 0}, {"raw": "HH IH2 P AH0 P AA1 T AH0 M AH0 S", "rawType": "arpabet", "seq": 1}]'
You are being returned a ``list`` object instead of a ``JSON`` object.
When returning the latter, there are some ``unicode`` issues. A fix for
this will be released soon.
I may suggest `python-ftfy <https://github.com/LuminosoInsight/python-ftfy>`__ which can help you in this matter.
License :
`[back to top] <https://github.com/tasdikrahman/vocabulary#vocabulary>`__
Built with ♥ by `Tasdik Rahman <http://tasdikrahman.me/>`__ under the `MIT License <http://prodicus.mit-license.org/>`__ ©
You can find a copy of the License at http://prodicus.mit-license.org/
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