tnote icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tnote copied to clipboard

:clipboard: A command line note taking app so simple that even your grandparents will love it!


GitHub license Supported python versions Join the chat at

                            _________ _        _______ _________ _______ 
                            \__   __/( (    /|(  ___  )\__   __/(  ____ \
                               ) (   |  \  ( || (   ) |   ) (   | (    \/
                               | |   |   \ | || |   | |   | |   | (__    
                               | |   | (\ \) || |   | |   | |   |  __)   
                               | |   | | \   || |   | |   | |   | (      
                               | |   | )  \  || (___) |   | |   | (____/\
                               )_(   |/    )_)(_______)   )_(   (_______/

A dead simple command line note taking app built for you!


  • Demo
  • Features
  • Installation
    • Installing dependencies
    • Clone it
    • Run it
  • Supported platforms
  • Contributing
    • To-do
    • Contributers
  • Issues
  • License
  • Donation


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Watch a live demo of it working here


Here's the link to previous version if you are interested!


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  • Dead simple to use: Even your granny would be able to use it. No seriously!
  • Feature rich Add your precious note with it's title , content , tags
  • Secure: Encrypts your database using standard AES-256 in CBC mode. So even if anybody gets hand of your database file. He cannot make any sense of it. A little demo of what I am doing using it

NOTE This feature is available/tested only on linux based systems. Support for other OS's coming soon!

  • Text Highlighting is cross platform - Supports Linux, Windows, MAC for the terminal based highlighting.
  • Searching for notes is hassle free in tnote: It supports full text search for notes based on content, tags
    • The search query if found in the database will be highlighted if found. Looks pleasing to the eyes
  • Ability to add and remove tags for each note.
  • Adds timestamp for each note which has been added.
  • Written in uncomplicated python.

Need I say more?


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Installing dependencies


On linux system, install libsqlcipher-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libsqlcipher-dev

On Mac OS systems, you can install it by

$ brew install sqlcipher

Clone it

$ git clone
$ cd tnote && pip install -r requirements.txt

Add a symbolic link to it

$ chmod +x tnote
$ cd ~/bin/ 
$ ln -s ~/some/path/to/tnote

Replace ~/some/path/to/tnote by the path where you have cloned the repo. For example if you have cloned it to ~/Downloads/tnote folder than your command should look something like

$ ln -s ~/Downloads/tnote/tnote

Run it

Fire it up! :volcano:

$ tnote

Supported platforms

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OS Support status
Linux :white_check_mark: Full support
OS X :white_check_mark: Full support
Windows :ballot_box_with_check: encrytion of the Database for windows not yet supported


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This app was created in a timespan of 2 hours while learning to use peewee (ORM). So don't be shy to make some PR's here :smile:


  • [ ] Add unit tests. Like real quick!
  • [ ] Make it pip installable
  • [ ] Ability to edit the content of a note
  • [x] Add python2 support
  • [x] Add tags support for notes
  • [x] Remove tahs for notes
  • [x] Add option to add title for notes
  • [ ] Add option to remove title for notes
  • [x] Add option to search for notes using content
  • [x] Add option to search for notes using tags
  • [ ] Add option to search for notes using title
  • [ ] Add option to search for notes using timestamp
  • [x] Encrypt the .db file using Sqlcipher
  • [x] Add colorized text to the notes for improved UI
  • [ ] Add better UI using urwid


A big shout out to all the contributers, more specifically to these guys


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Why not! Cheers to a crazy weekend :smile:


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You can report the bugs at the issue tracker


You can tweet me if you can't get it to work. In fact, you should tweet me anyway.


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Built with ♥ and after a lot of pizzas by Tasdik Rahman under MIT License

You can find a copy of the License at


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If you have found my little bits of software being of any use to you, do consider helping me pay my internet bills :)

PayPal Donate via PayPal!
Gratipay Support via Gratipay
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