colorama icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
colorama copied to clipboard

Simple cross-platform colored terminal text in Python

Results 122 colorama issues
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I tried to run tox on colorama on MacOS with iTerm and zsh and I got multiple failures looking like: Full log at There are two aspects regarding this:...

Hello! I'm using jrnl, on which I had some problems to create records with accents. After solving that problem, I'm having a strange problem with colorama, which produces `IOError: [Errno...

colorama 0.3.9 Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 17:00:18) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 If you call init() multiple times you will eventually get...

As I can see, there seems no support for bold, why not?

The existing PR #139 will make ``colorama`` more colorful for Windows. It would be nice if there were also more colors available on macOS and Linux. The [colored]( module already...

In some cases I have to write to `sys.stdout.buffer` directly, which is not caught by colorama. Maybe it's necessary to monkeypatch the (encoded) buffer object as well, if present (could...

Windows7. Reset works as expected (resets back to colors that were in use prior to colorama init()) with inint(autoreset=True), but not with print('\033[30m'). I have set green as default collor...

Windows 10.0.15063 Pro Python 2.7.14 IPython 5.6.0 colorama 0.3.9 ## Normal behavior 1. Execute this code: ```python import IPython IPython.embed() ``` 2. Press ctrl-D : Do you really want to...

Running my code inside PyCharm 2016.1 (python 3.4, colorama 0.3.7, linux) I get this error for set_title: ````python Traceback (most recent call last): File ".../", line 7, in print(ansi.set_title('My Title'))...

Hello, it seams that MinGW64 is not recognized as a ANSI color code compatible system. Normal coloring in bash (e.g. the prompt or `ls`) is working. --- **P.S.:** The list...