Tariq Daouda

Results 17 comments of Tariq Daouda

Hi @kaylee000, Thanks fo this. I am not sure I get everything, is there a reason why you reimplement parts of pyArango in your sample?

Hi @andrepbento This is the expected behaviour, but thank you for the suggestion!

Have you checked in the GUI that all edge definitions are the same as is in the python definition? It seems that you are referencing an edge collection named "co_edges"...

Thanks for posting this, it could be added in the next updates. in the meantime you could try this simple hack: ``` connection.arangoURL = [list of new endpoints] connection.currentURLId =...

Could you copy/past the code you've used?

Thanks @decay29 I'll keep that in mind for the next version.

I agree with you, we should discuss this with the arangodb people ( @dothebart ). There might be some backcomp issues to keep in mind.