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Scheduled Maintenance Mode
What problem would you like to solve? Please describe: Users monitoring environmental systems that are serviced during off-peak hours need a way to schedule suppression of alerts as they may not have personnel available to manually activate Maintenance Mode.
Describe the solution you'd like: Add a feature to schedule planned suppression of alerts. This includes the ability to schedule activation and deactivation of Maintenance Mode. A potential implementation could be a "Schedule for future" checkbox in existing maintenance mode settings.
Describe alternatives you've considered: Manually activating Maintenance Mode at the service time, which isn't always feasible due to off-peak service hours.
Additional context: Further discussion may include the ability to differentiate between different kinds of alerts during Maintenance Mode (for example, still receiving UPS System issues alerts while Fire System testing is being conducted), and how multiple scheduled windows or simultaneous scheduled and active Maintenance Mode would be handled.
Another use case:
- load testing, when it's known that an alert will get sent, but only want to be noticed in the morning IF it doesn't auto-resolve
Perfect case for these would be to allow filtering maintenance mode to specific integration keys and/or alert text -- that way only the expected alerts will be suppressed, and only during the expected window.
MVP: schedule maintenance mode in advance +1: limit to specific integration key +2: limit to containing specific alert text