When I set a width and a height for the canvas, the signature drawing will be misaligned. See example here: http://plnkr.co/edit/NRnntx?p=preview The same example without width and height is working...
[provide a description of the issue] ##### Environment - Operating System: Windows 10 - JDK version: JavaSE-1.8 (for the project) and JavaSE-11 for vs code - Visual Studio Code version:...
I am not sure what I am missing, but I installed Selenium module under PowerShell 7.1 and I cannot start chrome instance. I followed the steps below: ``` Install-Module -Name...
I faced several issues trying to use this module. I update the README file to include additional installation steps in case similar issues are found.
### Bug description: Following the provided sample code for using `modal` dialog box, I am unable to implement the use of `windowTemplateUrl`. The popup modal will open, but the dark...
The code is here: https://github.com/ArturSpirin/YouTube-WebDriver-Tutorials/blob/master/dev_tools/NetworkTutorial.py I need to make this code work for PowerShell. Can you help me, please? Tarek
[provide a description of the issue] ##### Environment - Operating System: Windows - JDK version: jdk1.8.0_351 - Visual Studio Code version: 1.74.3 - Java extension version: Extension Pack for Java...
**Environment:** - VS Code Version: 1.73.1 - Extension Version: Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat v1.13.2022111603 - JDK Type & Version: Oracle jdk1.8.0_351 - 32bit - OS Type &...
I managed to open a multi-module maven project in VS Code and set up the `launch.json` correctly. I can debug the project and the breakpoints are respected in the main...
I am using Windows 10. After downloading and running the installer, and tried to start the application FacePager, but nothing happened.