Tony Arcieri

Results 206 issues of Tony Arcieri

The [Rust Cryptography Interest Group]( has compiled an [Awesome Rust Cryptography]( resource available at Would it make sense to link to that in ``? If so, I can open...

This gem does not use a MAC to verify data integrity. This can be problematic if ciphertexts are malleable by an attacker, i.e. an attacker gains access to the database...

PKCS#1 v1.5 is vulnerable to adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks. The default padding should likely be changed to OAEP. "No padding" should not be an option.

I'd love to have a mature Cap'n Proto binding for Ruby! Particularly one that works across CRuby and JRuby. I was just talking to @kentonv about it, and this approach...

`core::arch` will soon be available in stable Rust: Can one of the x86/x86_64 move instructions be used to provide a `HideMemImpl` so `clear_on_drop` will work on stable without the...

Please retire this gem. It contains multiple, extremely severe security vulnerabilities: * Fixed all zero IV: #4 * No MAC/unauthenticated encryption: #12 Either of these vulnerabilities can, depending on the...

This gem is using an unauthenticated encryption mode (CBC) which is vulnerable to chosen ciphertext attacks (i.e. it is not [IND-CCA]( secure) This is a serious issue which can allow...

Integrates original sources from these crates, which provide AVX2-accelerated SIMD backends: Taken from this commit: - Hash: 7bf791e67245bb84132d1ee0e6a893bb8c85c093 - Author: Jack O'Connor - Date: Fri Nov 13 15:50:16 2020...

There are a number of issues and comments floating around about this, so I thought I'd make a single tracking issue for this. Right now we have a separate [asm-hashes](


Following up from, this is an issue for discussion potentially adding "recommended" badges to certain algorithms in this repo: ![Recommended: Yes](