Erwan Guyader
Erwan Guyader
Yes, it still happens for every kind of opening (even when folders are opened in Finder).
I am experiencing a similar issue when changing the case of a folder name. Doing so will emit `addDir` twice. This is probably related to Besides, the order in...
So I got it to mostly work on some applications with the following command: ``` setxkbmap fr -variant lafayette -option 'lvl5:ralt_switch_lock' ``` or this command if you also want to...
It's not working in firefox anymore today... I don't know how I got it to work yesterday then.
I hadn't tried but just did and the problem remains. From the command name I believe this relates to X11? I'm running Wayland now and the problem is present only...
Thank you so much!! You made my day and the days coming. I had to make a slight adjustment to your solution as the `type` value was `kalamine` in my...
You can find more information about the issue here: The disk decryption layout issue can be mitigated by doing the following each time the kernel is changed (or `initramfs`...
Hi @melsophos, thank you for reaching out. This is a known issue that we want to tackle. We just haven't had the bandwidth to it so far. Your suggestion of...
Hi @melsophos. Thank you for your suggestion. There are a couple things I'd like to say though : - we don't support symlinks at all, even for uploads. This is...
Bonjour @gmolveau, cette fonctionnalité très demandée est bien dans notre Roadmap. Cependant, nous nous concentrons sur d'autres usages pour le moment. Elle ne devrait donc pas arriver avant 2020.