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Turn tools into [agent] apps
So I think I understand that chatcraft + tools is a chatgpt utility.
It's something more akin to hypercard or a smalltalk squeak. You can play in it, but you can also make end-user chat-apps.
We should turn our conversation import/export feature into a template-expansion feature.
An app is chatcraft + url for a chatcraft convo export with template tags + params for app
Below is an app example:
I am a stock trading expert.
1. You paste an earning report, I then process it into markdown with @fn-url:github/foo/url2markdown
2. Once it's converted i will tell you stock symbol and 'buy' or 'sell' action and reasons for doing that
approve: @fn-url:github/foo/buy-or-sell
reject: @fn-url:github/foo/record-earnings-report-suggested-action-and-reason-why-action-wasnt-followed
Tell me if I should buy or sell
We would invoke app with a url:
- chatcraft would import this conversation
- it would then execute the function_call_plus_respons
- then send it back to openai with "Tell me if I should buy or sell" appended
- there could be quite a few of these interactions specified in the template
- At the end user can keep talking to gpt as usual
- user finishes his convo with /approve or /reject commands