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GRab meaning from wEB | A python based CLI which tells meaning for a particular word


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This python package finds the meaning for a word. It also lists the sentences, synonyms and antonyms for a given word. If a word is misspeled, it lists the suggestion for that word. Greb stands for Grab meaning from web.


  • Using pip
$ pip install greb
  • From source
$ git clone
$ cd greb
$ python install


$ greb awesome


: causing feelings of fear and wonder : causing feelings of awe
: extremely good

$ greb --rdm 

# fetches a random meaning from searcher history

Available Options

 -l --all        Lists everything
 -e --sen        Lists sentence
 -y --syn        Lists synonyms
 -n --ant        Lists antonyms
 -d --rdm        Displays a random from searched history
 -t --trn        Displays trending words from Merriam Webster
 -w --wrd        Displays the word of the day from Merriam Webster
 --help 		 Lists help
 --version       Lists version

Additional Usage

Greb by default saves all the words searched in a file named meanings.json under home directory. One use of greb can be to display a random word from your searched history whenever a new instance of terminal is launched. To use it in this way, one needs to configure its bashrc and write greb -d or greb --rdm at the end of it.

Also greb displays trending words and word of the day from Merriam webster.


To run test cases type

python -m test.test_greb



Open sourced under MIT License

Package Link

Pypi link