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Database not ready
Bug Description Database not ready .
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- use k8s deploy 3 node follow doc
- config 3 Mnode, everyone is Mnode
- sometimes node happen error and the taos-check is failed, so it always restart
- in the time, first node sync failed, because the second and three is failed to start
- cannot but reomve taos-check and redeploy
- finally, DND ERROR failed to send status msg since Database not ready, need retry, numOfEps:3 inUse:0
Expected Behavior DND ERROR failed to send status msg since Database not ready, need retry, numOfEps:3 inUse:0
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Environment (please complete the following information):
- OS: k8s
- Memory, CPU, current Disk Space: 4C8G
- TDengine Version : 3.0.16
Additional Context Add any other context about the problem here.
for the 3-mnode module of TDengine ,we suggest test it until . would be released this week。
3.0早期版本的问题都已经都优化了,但是3.0.2.5 之前可能与现在的最新版(并不兼容,所以无法直接升级。因此建议重新部署一下最新的 ,后续升级都很方便,直接安装最新版软件即可。