
Results 129 comments of taoky

前几天收到了请求加 Composer 2.0 的邮件,所以我搜索了一下有关的情况: - [Packagist 文档](https://packagist.org/mirrors) 推荐使用 [Webysther/packagist-mirror](https://github.com/Webysther/packagist-mirror),但是其只兼容 Composer 1。 - 根据 ,Composer 2 API 需要镜像站提供动态内容,但是目前不会考虑在镜像站上运行这类程序。 - Packagist/Composer 镜像事实上只镜像了 index,实际包内容没有镜像。 因此从目前已知的信息来看,可能不会优先考虑做 packagist 的镜像。

迁移到 mkdocs 之后,由于列表里面的「使用帮助」确实对查阅影响比较大,已经删除。

`curl -L api.github.com/repos/ustclug/mirrorhelp/contributors | jq 'map(.login) | sort'`

之前一直以为 Devuan 需要占用相当于一个完整 Debian 仓库的大小,今日了解到其可以复用 Debian 大部分的包。 ``` At the time of initial writing (Julyy 2019) the full Devuan package mirror requires about 60 GB of space. Notice that this...

MariaDB 的文档似乎已经不再使用 apt-key 了(Debian/Ubuntu 全部改成了 DEB822 的格式),所以应该没有其他活跃的文档在用 apt-key 的了。

> This is expected behaviour, aya-ebpf (the kernel side crate) does not support CORE relocations yet Thanks for your reply. I'm still curious that how aya supports CO-RE now. Would...

I have read https://facebookmicrosites.github.io/bpf/blog/2020/02/19/bpf-portability-and-co-re.html#reading-kernel-structures-fields again and it looks like some special functions like `bpf_core_read()` are required to utilize CO-RE when reading kernel structure’s fields...

看了一下 ,我的理解可能是有问题的,我本地跑跑看。

我本地测试了没有问题,虽然我感觉 timeout killer 好像没有必要,但是放着问题应该也不大。

libnotify 0.8.x, **before 0.8.3** is affected by another bug: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libnotify/-/issues/34. But libnotify 0.8.3 has fixed its own bug, as I guess it's time for Electron to fix this unexpected `LibnotifyNotification::OnNotificationClosed()`...