I get the impression that the theme _should_ be useable for this, but i use user styles instead. Hints are given the `.hint_label` class, so i have a `styles/hints.css` which...
[https://github.com/ignacio/StackTracePlus](https://github.com/ignacio/StackTracePlus) may be relevant. I've not used it, but it seems to support local variables, including tables. It doesn't print function source, (which appears to be a non-trivial exercise). Implementation...
I may be missing some information here, but as @hippi777 points out, the comments suggesting that lfs is no longer developed seem inaccurate. Questions are still being asked and answered,...
I see this too (debian sid): ``` FAIL async/test_undoclose / test_undo_close_works tests/async/test_undoclose.lua:47: assertion failed! Traceback: (1) /usr/share/lua/5.1/luassert/assert.lua:171 in function assert (2) tests/async/test_undoclose.lua:47 in function [anonymous] FAIL async/test_undoclose / test_undo_close_restores_tab_history tests/async/test_undoclose.lua:59:...
Well, i think that my quick look gave some clues about where _not_ to investigate, but didn't really arrive at a (correct) solution. Neither commenting out the problematic assert, nor...
A webview's current certificate is stored in [`view.certificate`](https://luakit.github.io/docs/classes/widget:webview.html#property-certificate) (luakit://help/doc/classes/widget:webview.html#property-certificate). (`:lua print(w.view.certificate)` will print the current webview's certificate to the console.) But if you're wanting to prevent certain certificates being used...
`w.bar_layout.visible` controls this. You can set it to false at the end of rc.lua (after w is assigned), and make a binding to toggle it. Starting in `fullscreen` would also...
No, just setting `w.bar_layout.visible` wasn't sufficient, but you can overload `w.update_sbar_visibility()`. The following seems to work (based on a _very_ brief play). To make it toggleable, you could extend it...
Also, this is a duplicate of #492, and @aidanholm's solution there would also work. Edit: for completeness see also the (out-of-date) [wiki](https://github.com/luakit/luakit/wiki/Hiding-the-statusbar).
> Does anyone have working code to make luakit go fullscreen whenever it is launched? This was answered in #696.