Tanti Kristanti
Tanti Kristanti
Hello everyone, I found the same problem when installing `wikidata_linker_utils_src/` on macOS High Sierra. As explained in the installation step, the first step is the requirements installation. For this step,...
Hello again, I have tried to overcome the installation error that I found yesterday. With these requirements bellow, the installation process can be done smoothly (btw, I use macOS High...
After discussing with @lfoppiano, we are agree that we need to change the documentation in order to inform that the ranges of values are not supported. The problem appears from...
Some tests for recognizing acronyms were done for the text and also Pdf disambiguation process. 1. For the text disambiguation process with the text of PubMed_2, the result shows the...
This issue is closed and another issue #74 is opened.
Responding to the Named Entity consistency issue #74, a new branch called "0.0.3-nerdKid" has been built for the purpose of developing a mapping of the entitites to the types. Even...
For entity-fishing version 0.0.4, the NE type generated by nerdKid has been integrated in branch `0.0.4-withNerdKidTypeInDemo`
Another issue to be considered that for the text given above, it found also the error of a Type, for instance the mention 'Vichy' which is recognized as city, it...
The test of customisation was done as follows: 1. Check whether the documentation for customisation has been updated [Nerd's documentation](http://nerd.readthedocs.io/en/0.0.3/restAPI.html?highlight=POST%20%2Fcustomisations#customisation-api). Test case: - Based on the documentation, the error will...